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shuǐ lù
  • waterway;water way;water route;aquage;gote
水路 [shuǐ lù]
  • [water way;water route] 水上航线

  • 从烟台去大连,水路比陆路便利

水路[shuǐ lù]
  1. 从2001~2005年,公路水路运输业支撑完成了63%~53%的GDP。

    The highway and waterway transportation industry support from 2001 to 2005 would complete 63 % - 53 % GDP .

  2. 并根据冷梁的工作原理和气流组织形式,设计了相应的水路系统和风路系统。其次,基于ARM系列单片机设计了主动式冷梁空调系统的控制器。

    And the waterway and air duct are designed base on the principle of the system . Secondly , the system controller is designed .

  3. 该城市由3条主要水路贯穿。

    The city is intersected by three main waterways .

  4. 由上海到武汉可以走水路。

    One can travel from Shanghai to Wuhan by water .

  5. 一些人由旱路来,一些人从水路来。

    Some came by land and some by water .

  6. 他们将打水路去香港。

    They 'll go to Hongkong by water .

  7. 他们将由水路运送这批货物。

    They will send the goods by water .

  8. 由于处在水路位置,该村很快变成了河上交通中心。

    Because of its position on a water route , the village soon became a river-traffic centre .

  9. 热电厂水路输煤系统PLC改造

    PLC Retrofit of Water Way Coal Handling System in Thermal Power Plant

  10. 我国的液化天然气供给主要从国外进口,依靠LNG船舶进行水路运输。

    Chinese supply of liquefied natural gas imports from abroad , and relys on LNG vessel for sea transport .

  11. 在拉动GDP增长的同时,加快西部公路水路交通发展还将为西部地区创造大量的就业机会。

    At the same time of pulling GDP increase , the speeding up of highway and waterway transportation development in the west region will also create large amount of employment chances .

  12. JMSSDS-20血液透析机水路流程分析

    Analysis of the water-flow chart of JMS SDS-20 dialyzer

  13. 基础数据库和各子业务系统主要通过XML文档来作为中间件进行数据交换,所以本文在深入研究XML和JAVA相关技术基础上,提出了一种新型的具有交通水路特色的基于XML的数据交换模型。

    Because the basic database and business systems use XML as middle data format to exchange data , the technology basis suggesting that one kind of new data exchanges model , being related to in in-depth study XML and Java .

  14. 高中毕业之后,Kevin造了一只独木舟,并乘坐它像路易斯和克拉克当年远征太平洋那样,游历了同样的航程与水路。

    After graduating high school , Costner built a canoe and traveled the same itinerary and rivers as Lewis and Clark did in their famous expedition to the Pacific .

  15. 长江地区水网密布,采用小型LNG集装箱船水路运输模式,可以满足多元化消费的需求,满足LNG安全、便捷、高效运输的需求。

    The Yangtze River area , water network clouds , using small-size LNG container ship transportation mode , can meet the diversification of consumer demand , to satisfy the LNG safety , convenient , efficient transport demand .

  16. 能主动冲洗综合诊疗椅水路30s以上的医生,医院口腔科牙医占45.7%,牙科诊所有38.1%。

    The doctors who could actively flushing the water channel of comprehensive dental chair for longer than 30 sec accounted for 45.7 % of dentists in stomatology departments of hospitals and 38.1 % in dentistry clinics .

  17. 通过水路的分析检修,介绍了金宝AK200型血透机二例的处理。

    This article describes two examples of maintenance of Gambro AK200 by analyzing the troubleshooting of waterflow .

  18. 纽约的PlaNYC与芝加哥气候行动计划相比更多的关注于湿地和海岸,因为纽约比芝加哥有更长的海岸线和更多的水路航道。

    New York 's PlaNYC pays more attention to wetlands and coastal issues than CCAP does , because New York has more coastline and waterways than Chicago .

  19. 借助室内试验、可靠度分析和有限元技术,采用Duncan-Chang非线性本构关系,建立了土性参数随机场模型,对深汕西高速公路浸水路段路基的稳定性进行了评估。

    In this paper , the stability of soaked roadbed in western section of Shenzhen to Shantou highway is evaluated , which is based on lab tests , reliability analysis and Finite element technology and the Duncan-Chang non-linear constructive relation is applied to build random field model .

  20. 厨房卫生间防水,水路安装,弱电工程制作。

    Kitchen bathroom waterproof , water installation , weak construction production .

  21. 我国水路货运量短期预测模型

    Monthly forecasting time series model for Chinese water transport freight volume

  22. 我宁愿他们从陆路来,而不从水路来。

    I 'd rather they came by land than by water .

  23. 主要是降雨和云层的厚度对液态水路径和可降水量的影响比较大。

    The rainfall and cloud thickness have large impact on it .

  24. 我国水路运输民事法律体系及主要制度研究

    Study on Legal Systems of Chinese Coastal Transport and Inland Navigation

  25. 广西水路货运结构调整规划及措施研究

    The Study on Programming and Measure of Guangxi Waterage Structure Regulation

  26. 水路运输是国民经济发展的润滑剂。

    The water transportation is a lubrication of the national economy development .

  27. 水路内贸集装箱运输业务流程探讨

    Discussion on the operational flow of waterway container transportation of internal trade

  28. 水冷系统具有断水、欠压、水路超温报警及保护功能。

    Water-cooling system with water , under-voltage , water-temperature alarm and protection .

  29. 通过海峡那狭窄水路的粮食供应。

    Grain supplies through the narrow waters of the channel .

  30. 货物是由水路运来的,不是空运来的。

    The goods came by water , not by air .