
shuǐ liú
  • waters;water flow;current;streams;rivers;drift;stream current
水流 [shuǐ liú]
  • (1) [rivers]∶泛指江、河

  • 湖泊星罗棋布,水流纵横交错

  • (2) [water flow]∶水的流动

  • (3) [stream current]∶流动着的水

  • 水流湍急

  • 水流畅通

水流[shuǐ liú]
  1. 你引源泉溪水流滚涓涓,却使汹涌江河涸竭枯乾。

    You opened up rivers and springs and dried up ever-flowing streams .

  2. 水流为他们提供了鱼、龟、凯门鳄&一种小型的像美洲鳄的动物。

    Rivers provide prey in the form of fish , turtles , or caimans & small , alligatorlike animals .

  3. 她拔掉塞子,让水流走了。

    She pulled out the plug and the water drained away .

  4. 浴室里水流满地。

    Water was running all over the bathroom floor .

  5. 那是个游泳的好去处,但要当心危险的水流。

    It 's a great place for swimming , but beware dangerous currents .

  6. 一股湍急的水流好像要冲走整条船。

    A fairly strong current seemed to be moving the whole boat

  7. 她抓得紧紧的,任凭冰冷湍急的水流从她身上倾泻而下。

    She hung on as the freezing , rushing water cascaded past her

  8. 水流撞击岩石,产生大量泡沫。

    The water curved round the rocks in great bursts of foam .

  9. 这对夫妻被巨大的水流卷走了。

    The couple were swept away by the strong current .

  10. 这条河水流湍急,变幻莫测。

    The current of the river is fast flowing and treacherous

  11. 鱼和海藻浮起来,在汹涌的水流中动弹不得。

    Fish and seaweed rose , caught motionless in the surging water .

  12. 一股水流从窗口喷涌而入。

    A jet of water poured through the windows .

  13. 一道拦河坝将会在上游拦住水流,抬升水位。

    A barrage would halt the flow upstream and lift the water level .

  14. 实地考察时要穿过一条水流湍急的河。

    The field trip involved crossing a raging torrent .

  15. 水流将木筏拽向瀑布,木筏的速度越来越快。

    The raft gathered speed as the current dragged it toward the falls .

  16. 即使最强壮的游泳者也会无助地被交叉水流冲走。

    Cross-currents can sweep the strongest swimmer helplessly away .

  17. 水流小股小股地涌出来。

    The current flows in little bursts .

  18. 我听到一股水流涌出。

    I heard a gush of water .

  19. 水流过卵石,汩汩作响。

    The water burbled over gravel

  20. 传统的草坪已经被低成本梯田所取代,梯田上有个高位水塘和瀑布似的水流。

    The traditional lawn has been replaced by low-cost terracing , with a raised pool and waterfall .

  21. 有什么东西堵塞了管道里的水流。

    Something blocked the flow of water through the pipe .

  22. 河道淤塞,水流迟滞。

    The river is silted up and the water flows sluggishly .

  23. 河当中水流最急。

    The current is swiftest in the middle of the river .

  24. 水流很急。

    The current is swift . ; It 's a strong current .

  25. 水流得很冲。

    The water flows with great force .

  26. 水流湍急。

    The current is swift .

  27. 水流平缓。

    The water flows gently .

  28. 水文工作者很关心地下水流问题的求解。

    Hydrologists are often interested in the solution of subsurface-flow problems .

  29. 河里水流湍急,没有人能过得去。

    The river was so turbulent that no one could get across .

  30. 把管子打开,让水流出去。

    Open the pipe to let the water drain off .