
  1. 他以天命之性与气质之性、道心与人心、天理与人欲解释人的本性、人的思想意识、人的行为,提出一套系统的封建社会伦理道德思想。

    He also explained human nature , thought and behavior and put forward a complete set of feudal moral thought .

  2. 在审美过程中,情感则充当了审美的动力,但是在更深层次上,美学意义上的情感范畴是一种先验情感,是天命之性的完全实现。

    During appreciation , emotion takes the part of its impetus , but in a deeper level , emotional category in terms of aesthetics is a transcendental emotion , is a compete realization of destined nature .

  3. 儒家的价值哲学思想,建立在天命之谓性,率性之谓道,修道之谓教这一哲学基础上。

    Confucian axiology is based on the philosophy , namely , " the mandate of heaven is human nature , acting according to nature is Dao , cultivating Dao is education " .