
  • 网络tiandao conception;the theory of Tiandao
  1. 他们的天道观首先是一种宇宙论。

    Their view of the way of heaven is at first a cosmology .

  2. 论儒教伦理的缺陷及其与儒教天道观的关系

    On The Defect of The Confucian Ethic and Its Relation To The Heaven-Worship of Confucianism

  3. 首先是对以太极为核心范畴的天道观的分析。

    First part is the analysis of Tao of heaven using Taiji as the core category .

  4. 作为汉初儒家学者的代表人物之一的韩婴继承和发展了儒家典籍中的天人理论,构筑自己的天道观。

    Han Ying was one of the Confucian representatives who constructed his own thoughts of Tian-Ren by inheriting from Confucian classics .

  5. 董仲舒的天论对东汉时期天道观的影响

    The Impact of Dong Zhongshu 's " Heaven " Theory On the Concept of Nature Law in the Eastern Han Dynasty

  6. 张载在儒学天道观的基础上提出自立说以明性的立场,建构了一套自己的人性理论。

    Philosopher Zhang Zai constructs his theory of human nature on the basis of the concept of " Tiandao View " .

  7. 两种互补的天道观&《易传》与《老子》比较辐射的发射强度和辐照度是两个互补的概念。

    Two Supplemental Cosmic Viewpoints & Contrasting Yi zhuan to Laozi ; The concepts of radiant emittance and of irradiance are complementary .

  8. 这种天道观构成了董仲舒音乐思想的哲学基础,也成为董仲舒音乐思想的一个显著特点。

    This kind of day Daoist temple constituted the Dong Zhongshu music thought philosophical basis , also becomes the Dong Zhongshu music thought an outstanding feature .

  9. 这表现了邵雍在天道观问题上向心性与理性方面的突破,而恰恰就是在这些方面引起了王夫之的激烈批判。

    It represents SHAO Yong 's breakthrough in the aspects of centrality and logos on Taoism . It is this breakthrough that aroused WANG Fuzi 's furious animadvert .

  10. 这种性质和逻辑,体现在儒家思想的天道观人(仁)道观政道观这一基本框架体系中。

    This kind of nature and logic is reflected in the basic frame system of Confucianism 's natural law , humanities ' law ( benevolence ) and political law .

  11. 简析荀、孟天道观终极层面的一致性层次分析法中判断矩阵的一致性研究

    An Analysis of the Harmony between XUN Zi ′ s and MENG Zi ′ s View on Divine Order of Things on the Ultimate Level ; Research on the Consistency of the Judgment Matrix in AHP

  12. 艾衲通过对儒家旧有天道观的批判以及对儒家传统价值观的宣扬,以文化救亡的方式,表达了自己的遗民思想及立场。

    Ai Na expressed his old fogy thought that is saving a life time by a new Confucianism culture , criticizing the old God 's way view of Confucianism and publicizes to the traditional value of Confucianism .

  13. 中国的儒家法律思想与西方的自然法思想及观念有着本质的区别:价值观念上正义观与天道观的分歧;

    Chinese Confucianist legal thought has the essential difference from the western natural law concept : the distinction on values between the " justice view " of the natural law and " God 's way view " of the Confucianism ;

  14. 倬彼云汉,为章于天&《诗经》自然审美研究天文篇董仲舒的天论对东汉时期天道观的影响

    The vast milk way , the literary talent in the sky & A research in astronomy to natural appreciation of the beautiful in Shijing ; The Impact of Dong Zhongshu 's " Heaven " Theory On the Concept of Nature Law in the Eastern Han Dynasty

  15. 同时,作为基本统摄儒家思想之天道观的气化论,实亦为东原的义理思想当然的逻辑起点,那种以东原为一元气一元论者的看法有其不实之处。

    Moreover , as a theory on Qi Hua which dominates basically the idea on Tian Dao of Confucianism 's thought , it is the logical jumping-off point of Dong-yuan 's philosophy too , so the opinion that considers Dong-yuan as a monist of Yuan Qi is not true .

  16. 第二部分考察了生存论哲学思想的学理资源,分别回顾了西方传统哲学的人性生存观,西方现代哲学的个体生存观、中国传统文化的天道生存观和马克思主义的实践生存观。

    The second part inspected the academic resources of existence philosophy from western traditional philosophy , modern western philosophy , traditional Chinese culture and Marxist .

  17. 当时以天道自然观为起点的魏晋玄学已深入了社会生活的各个方面,并造成了消极的影响。

    At that time , Wei-Jin metaphysics , featuring Way of Heaven ( i.e. natural law ), had begun to penetrate each aspect of social life , which began to produce negative influence .

  18. 刘向要求则天顺时,强调社会历史的变化、发展。这与道家的天道自然观和辩证法思想有着某种相同、相通之处。分析了普通高校体育与社会的融合及其发展趋势等。

    Liu Xiang claimed that mankind should follow natural laws and submit to current situation , and placed emphasis on the change and development of society , an idea which has mach in common with Taoist natural idea and dialectical thought .