
  1. 来到美国的大多数移民虽然曾热爱家乡,但家乡却背叛了他们的爱;

    Most immigrants to America found their love of their old homes betrayed :

  2. 她还曾在家乡英国的牛津大学求学一年。

    She also spent a semester abroad at Oxford University in her home country of England ( pictured above ) .

  3. 每次走过刘易斯大叔的墓前,我都能听见这样的话:“回头到理发店来,孩子,我给你剪剪头。”刘易斯大叔是个理发的,有一段时间他曾离开家乡,到大都市巴尔的摩谋生,但最后还是回来了。

    Every time I pass Uncle Lewis 's I can hear it say , " Come around to the barber shop , boy , and I 'll cut that hair . " Uncle Lewis was a barber . He left up here for a while and went to the city . Baltimore . But he came back after the end .

  4. 早期测试发现,在其儿时曾居住的家乡砷含量高出普通三至四倍。

    Early tests on two wells at the home where he lived as a child found arsenic levels three to four times higher than normal .

  5. 书中还有些章节讲述抗压能力,包含了一些旨在让你感觉良好的轶闻,比如,马云(JackMa)曾申请在他的家乡新开业的肯德基(KFC)工作。

    There are chapters too on resilience and anecdotes designed to make you feel good - for example , Jack Ma 's application to the newly opened Kentucky Fried Chicken in his home town .

  6. 你曾在自己的家乡表演过街头艺术吗?

    Have you ever busked in your own hometown ?

  7. 埃及首都和非洲最大的城市;尼罗河三角州南部的一个主要港口;曾是法老的家乡。

    The capital of Egypt and the largest city in Africa ; a major port just S of the Nile Delta ; formerly the home of the Pharaohs .