
  1. 求解线性丢番图方程组及不等式组的ABS算法

    ABS Algorithms for Solving Linear Diophantine Equations and Inequations

  2. 第五章给出了求解超定线性丢番图方程组和不等式组的修正ABS算法。

    Chapter five presents the modified ABS algorithms for solving linear overdetermined linear Diophantine equations and inequations .

  3. 第四章给出了求解线性丢番图不等式组的ABS算法及其在整线性规划中的应用。

    Chapter four gives ABS algorithms for solving linear Diophantine inequations and their application in integer linear programming .

  4. 在20世纪早期,为了解决丢番图方程组或不等式组相关的问题,MacMahon提出分拆分析方法(即Omage算子)。

    In the early 1900s , Major Percy A. MacMahon developed Partition Analysis ( i.e. , the Omega operator ) as a computational method for solving problems in connection with linear diophantine inequalities and equations .

  5. 多元样条、分片代数曲线及线性丢番图方程组

    Multivariate Splines , Piecewise Algebraic Curves and Linear Diophantine Equations

  6. 求解线性丢番图方程(组)的串、并行算法

    Sequential and Parallel Algorithms for Solving Linear Diophantine Equations