
  • 网络Feature Games;functional play
  1. 戴维斯把她的这种训练方法称为“功能游戏”(functionalplay)。

    Ms. Davis calls her methods ' functional play . '

  2. 在最高级别上,Wilby决定CreativeGenius拥有3个主要功能:游戏营销、产品研发和制造、以及风险和财务管理。

    At the top level , Wilby decides that CreativeGenius has three main capabilities : Market Games , Product Development and Manufacturing , and Risk and Financial Management .

  3. 伴随着智能电视的迅速发展,网络功能、游戏功能等功能已经成为智能电视不可或缺的部分。

    With the rapid development of Intelligent Television , the functions of Internet , Game and others have become an indispensable part of it .

  4. 为预防和改善网络游戏的负面影响,有必要转变社会对游戏的认识,研究制定优秀游戏认证制等政策,开发具有教育和心理治疗功能的游戏等。

    It is necessary to change the social recognition of game , make policies of game authentication and explore those games of functions of education and psychological therapy .

  5. 基于游戏的两个功能,游戏对教学的价值主要体现为两个方面,一是手段性价值:游戏是教学的形式,教学游戏是其集中体现。

    Based on the two functions , the values of plays on teaching are mainly reflected in two aspects . First , the values of means , play is the way of teaching , " Teaching Play " is the typical expressions .

  6. 此外,在硬件更新的循环中,这个行业正处于有利阶段,索尼和微软最新的电视游戏设备供应充足,价格有所下降,游戏生产商正在推出能尽量利用游戏机新功能的游戏。

    What is more , the industry is in the sweet spot of the hardware cycle , when the latest consoles from Sony and Microsoft are in plentiful supply and their prices have come down , and game publishers are cranking out titles that better exploit their capabilities .

  7. 据科技新闻网站TheVerge称,手势识别功能主要用于游戏机xbox的外设。

    Gesture recognition would work as for Microsoft 's Kinect for Xbox , according to a report on the tech news Web site The Verge .

  8. 强调娱乐功能,设置游戏规则。

    Emphasize the amusement function , abide by the game rule .

  9. 游戏系统可以分为两个主要部分:第一部分是安装在手机客户端的应用,包括游戏场景的绘画、角色动画引擎、游戏主要功能、与游戏服务器的数据交换。

    Game system has two main parts : The first part is installed on the mobile client applications , including game scence painting , character animation engine , the main function of the game , and game server data exchange .

  10. 视频中最具创意的功能可能是为游戏设计的可多人操作的3D全息图。

    But perhaps the most innovative feature in the video is a 3D multiplayer hologram for gaming .

  11. 3D引擎即以全3D的视角,表现渲染游戏中的各种物件,实现3D游戏的各种功能,提供3D游戏开发的各种接口与工具。

    In a short definition , that 3D game engine will draw all the graphs , achieve all the functions and supply all the interface and tools as a 3D vision .

  12. 仅仅一天后,Facebook马上做出回应,对其游戏平台进行大幅改进,包括推出和Newsfeed类似的游戏更新实时播报功能并提高了游戏的分辨率。

    A day later , Facebook unveiled a slew of improvements to its games platform , including a newsfeed-like live ticker with game updates and higher-resolution gaming .

  13. 此外,此更新预科的PS3的系统,包括一些即将推出的新功能,三维立体游戏,这是即将为PS3的,推出时间为索尼的3D的BRAVIA电视机。

    In addition , this update preps the PS3 system for some upcoming new features , including3D stereoscopic gaming , which is coming soon to PS3 , in time for the launch of Sony's3D BRAVIA TVs .

  14. 体验站点上包括了一些示例,你可以在这些示例中尝试新的数组方法以及玩一个使用新的ES5功能来构建的游戏。

    The test drive site includes samples where you can try new array methods and play a game built with new ES5 capabilities .

  15. 而如今公司转变轨道,进入了所谓的免费增值游戏(freemiumgames)领域。这一商业模式下的游戏均可免费下载,但附加有一些须付费才能使用的功能,例如加速游戏进程或提升力量。

    But now it has changed course and entered the world of so-called freemium games , where the game costs nothing to download , but is packed with features that users must pay to access , such as ways to speed up the game or increase power .

  16. 寻找隐藏的困惑和额外的功能,使这个游戏有趣和新颖的!

    Find the hidden puzzles and extra features that make this game interesting and original !

  17. 在智能手机的众多功能中,手机游戏更是处于无可替代的主导地位。

    Among the various of functions of the smartphone , mobile games have the irreplaceable dominant position .

  18. 在手机附加功能中,手机游戏是最具有吸引力和经济价值的功能之一。

    The mobile phone game is one of the most attractive and valuable function among the phone has .

  19. 这项功能让你的游戏体验更具简便性、互动性,更符合主流趋势。

    It makes the check-in " game " easier to use , more social , and more mainstream friendly .

  20. 今年,开源平台与封闭平台、多功能设备与专有游戏设备,会争得头破血流。

    This year will see a gory battle between open and closed platforms , and between multi-purpose devices and specialised gaming gadgets .

  21. 其他辅助功能有:亲子游戏室、美容沙龙、母婴乐购、商务休闲区、健身中心、贵宾交谊厅、休闲区等。

    Auxiliary services : Gaming room , Hair-dressing salon , Purchasing center , Business zone , Aerobics center , Communication bar and Leisure zone , etc.

  22. 它将会拥有镜头摄像的功能,用来作游戏趣味的用途。例如将阁下的面部颉取到游戏角式之上,而该镜头是能够更换的。

    It will having a camera function just for the funny game play ! Such as capture ur face on the character of the game * Replacement of the camera is allowed !

  23. 其中底层游戏引擎是对功能API的封装,其中主要的功能包括游戏的渲染,音频输出等。

    One underlying game engine is a function of the API package , which includes the major functions of the game rendering , audio output , and so on .