
  • Roach;【人名】Roch
  1. 詹姆斯∙罗奇于1986年在南卡罗来纳州被电刑处死。

    James Roach was electrocuted in South Carolina in 1986 .

  2. 有一点需要预先声明:他不得参与合并,或以其他方式削弱罗奇家族对该公司的控制。

    There was one caveat : he was not to enter into a merger or otherwise weaken the Roche family 's control of the firm .

  3. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)亚洲董事长史蒂芬罗奇(StephenRoach)表示,8月份的数据表明经济复苏没有减弱,但严重依赖投资。

    Stephen Roach , Asia chairman for Morgan Stanley , said the figures showed the recovery was intact but heavily dependent on investment .

  4. TheRow是Matchesfashion.com网店上的销量第一的品牌,罗奇售价980美元的厚毛衣(fishermansweater)更是在巴尼斯百货店(Barneys)被抢一空。

    The Row is a bestseller on Matchesfashion.com , and Roche 's $ 980 fisherman sweater sold out at Barneys this season .

  5. 长期以来,摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的斯蒂芬罗奇(StephenRoach)一直强调印度的潜力。在亚洲工作3年后,罗奇刚刚返回纽约。

    Morgan Stanley 's Stephen Roach , who has just returned to New York after three years in Asia , has long stressed India 's potential .

  6. 但摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)亚洲董事长史蒂芬罗奇(StephenRoach)表示,奥巴马的这一决定是短视的,因为伯南克在危机到来之时犯下了重大的错误。

    But Stephen Roach , chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia , said the decision was shortsighted and Mr Bernanke had made important errors as the crisis approached .

  7. 鉴于此番情形,亚洲可能成为全球增长发动机的想法,用摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)亚洲董事长史蒂芬罗奇(StephenRoach)的话来说,是纯粹的幻想。

    Given this picture , the idea that Asia could be a motor of global growth is in the words of Stephen Roach , chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia , pure fantasy .

  8. 这也是常用的幽灵和罗奇,以及他们的起点在游戏中最TF141任务的武器。

    It is also commonly used by Ghost and Roach , and is their starting weapon in most TF141 missions in the game .

  9. 反击“泡沫论”罗奇和谢国忠的错误预测有功吗?

    " bubble theory " erroneous projections meritorious Roche and Xieguozhong ?

  10. 罗奇说:这是一场艰苦的战争。

    Freddie Roach : This is a tough fight for us .

  11. 那年罗奇和纽科姆不是赢了那场双打吗?

    Didn 't Roche and Newcombe win the doubles that year ?

  12. 在她自己的经历中,罗奇运用了将所有恐惧写下来的方式。

    For her part , Ms. Roche used a writing exercise .

  13. 罗奇表示,亚洲必须改弦易辙。

    Asia , says Roach , must come up with something else .

  14. 吉非罗奇的高效液相色谱测定及其相对生物利用度

    Gemfibrozil Determined in Serum by HPLC and Its Relative Bioavailability

  15. 对了,罗奇,离我女儿远一点。

    Oh and loki ? Stay away from my daughter .

  16. 罗奇还将矛头指向了目前美国可忽略不计的净储蓄。

    Mr Roach also points to today 's negligible net US savings .

  17. 别让嫌犯进入地道系统,罗奇。

    Do not let suspect enter the tunnel systems loki .

  18. 罗奇的律师反对死刑判决。

    Roach 's lawyer fought the decision to execute him .

  19. 采用罗奇光栅离焦投影的位相测量轮廓术

    Phase-Measuring Profilometry Using Defocused Projection of the Ronchi Grating

  20. 斯克罗奇和玛利都不喜欢别人。

    Neither Scrooge nor Marley care for other people .

  21. 罗奇认为,与美国不同的是,中国正在朝目标迈进。

    Unlike the US , Roach contends , China is doing just that .

  22. 不管有没有页岩气,罗奇都为美国感到担忧。

    Roach worries for the US , shale gas or no shale gas .

  23. 肯罗奇说他明年想接管那支足球队。

    Ken Roach said he wants to manage the football team next year .

  24. 罗奇之前的几乎所有悲观预言都变成了现实。

    Almost everything Roach had previously predicted came true .

  25. 罗奇最终在1986年被执行死刑。

    Roach was finally executed in 1986 .

  26. 在2009年,安德鲁-罗奇福德博士进行了相似的体验,并在澳大利亚的一档电视节目中播出。

    In 2009 , Dr Andrew Rochford went through a similar experience for Australian TV show .

  27. 罗奇表示,对新兴市场的长期投资正在取代短期交易。

    Mr Roche says long-term investment is taking the place of short-term trading in emerging markets .

  28. 迄今为止,罗奇对亚洲(尤其是中国)应对危机的策略感到失望。

    So far , Roach has been disappointed by the Asian , particularly the Chinese , response .

  29. 于是我就想到了那部电影,并怀疑罗奇到底对不对。

    And then I thought of the film , and wondered if Loach was right after all .

  30. 斯克罗奇又上床睡觉,左思右想,想个不休。

    Scrooge went to bed again , and thought and thought and thought it over and over .