
Just like the comment made by predecessors ," turn your held Tongcheng school , like the article than is needed ", the poetic thought of Tongcheng literati has been occupying an important place in masses of poetic systems of Qing dynasty , and influenced mid Qing dynasty poets greatly .
Finally , based on the result of the feature select , gray ratio , Fourier descriptor and circularity were input to a three-layer Back Propagation ( BP ) artificial neural network to distinguish the benign and malignant cases .
We infer that hormonal factors are seemingly more important than cell factors in the major mechanism of FLI effect .
The results show that there is better comparability among the anomalies got from different methods , which may be taken as a effective method for judging medium term anomalies of the strong earthquake in multi-disciplinary earthquake prediction .
She spoke a lot as if her own knowledge were supreme .
When you looked down on me like you were so much better ?