
  1. 从比兴手法看词的抒情美创造

    Make the Lyric Characteristics of Ci Through the Bi and Xing Skills

  2. 比兴手法在中国花鸟画中的运用

    The Utilization of ' Bi Xing ' Technique in Chinese Flower-and-Bird Painting

  3. 由维柯的审美心理学思想看赋比兴手法的心理根源

    Study of the Psychological Root of " FuBiXing " from Vico 's Aesthetic Psychological Thought

  4. 他对《诗经》从形式、语言以及赋比兴手法上进行了取法,使得自己的作品沾染有浓浓的四言诗古韵古风的味道。

    He learned the form , language and fu , bi and xing from Classic of Poetry , which made his works , own the flavor of four-character poems .

  5. 象同意异与象异意同&试论先秦诗文比兴手法运用的一大特色

    " The Same Image with Different Meanings " and " Different Images with the Same Meaning " & Characteristics in Applying Means of Metaphor to the Poems and Articles Pre-Qin

  6. 比兴手法的传承、书信体的运用以及情景交融等艺术手法的使用,更是极大地丰富了赠答诗的艺术表现形式。

    Than the transmission metaphor , epistolary interest in using artistic techniques such as scenario the use of blending , but also greatly enriched the Conversation Poems form of artistic expression .

  7. 另外一方面,他又对四言诗进行了创新,分别体现在赋比兴手法、对偶对比手法以及诗境的扩大诸多方面。

    On the other hand , he innovated the Classic poetry from fu , bi and xing technique , duality and comparison techniques and the enlargement of the poetic conception and background .

  8. 《离骚》发展了《诗经》比兴手法,比、兴合二为一,融合诗人主体情感和品格,形成具有审美价值和艺术情趣的象征性意象系统。

    Li Sao develops the use of metaphor and association in Shi Jing , by integrating them and fusing the poet 's own feeling and character , which forms the symbolic image system with aesthetic value and artistic quality .

  9. 审美特征的比较,主要表现为构思、情感、意象和语言方面的异同;表现手法的比较,主要表现为赋、比兴手法的异同。

    Comparison of aesthetic characteristics , main show is conceived , emotion , image and the similarities and differences of language ; Comparison of technique of expression , main show is fu , the similarities and differences of metaphor tactics .

  10. 本文拟从比兴手法的诗学渊源及其与花鸟画艺术的结合入手,以期揭示这一传统艺术表现手段的人文内蕴及其现实意义和价值。

    This article , which begins with the description of its origin and its combination with art of the flower and bird paintings , is expected to discover the human connotation , realistic meaning and value of this traditional form of expression .

  11. 李商隐继承了屈原进步诗歌的传统,从屈原的艺术宝库中学习了象征手法的运用,特别是屈原以香草美人寄托政治遭遇的比兴手法更为他所自觉继承。

    Inheriting the tradition of Quyuan 's developed poetry , LI Shangyin mastered the utilization of symbolism , and especially the utilization of contrast and sustenance , which had well performed when Quyuan embodied his unfortunate political experience in the sweet beauty .

  12. 不但表现形式上大量运用楚辞典故和芳草美人的比兴手法,而且内容上继承了楚辞,特别是屈原以南方山水题材寄托哀怨情感的特点。

    Not only displayed many allusion of the Chu poem and metaphor tactics in the form , but also inherited the characteristics of the sad emotion with the southern subject matter of mountains and rivers of the Chu poem on the content .

  13. 用归纳总结的方法分析老庄骚雅这几种不同的文学形式在思想上所共同具备的生命意识;在表现手法上运用比兴等手法对阮诗的影响进行比较研究。

    Using the method of summarizes to analyze the common sense of life on thought which is possessed by these different kinds of literary form together ; using the influence of the method of comparison and symbolism toward the poetry of Ruan on technique of expression to compare and research .

  14. 多用比兴、象征手法,寄寓诗人的美好爱情;

    By frequently using of metaphor and symbolic skills , the poet 's happy love is embodied in .

  15. 尤其是在作为修辞语言运作方式典型体现的诗歌语言中,象征、比兴等隐喻手法的运用则更为普遍。

    In the poem language , as a kind of representative embodiment of use mode of rhetorical language , metaphor technique such as symbol and comparison is widely used .