
  • 网络Vila;Bira;Birla;Biela
  1. 现在,竞选IMF总裁已经是两个人之间的角逐。卡斯腾斯宣称自己比拉加德更有优势,因为他的候选人资格问题比较少。

    Now that it is a two-way race , Carstens is claiming the advantage over Lagarde , saying his candidacy carries fewer question marks .

  2. 去年秋天,时任纽约市警察局长的雷o凯利曾到访布朗大学(BrownUniversity),而且他的这次露面要比拉加德和赖斯低调得多,但他还是在学生的起哄声中离去——学生的这种行为显然有悖于布朗大学的规定。

    Just last fall , then-New York City police chief Ray Kelly was heckled out of the room at Brown University during a much lower-profile appearance , in clear violation of the university 's code that prohibits such behavior .

  3. 你们都是死人,比拉撒路还要死的死人。

    You are all dead , more dead than lazarus .

  4. 又从以萨迦支派的地业中给了他们基善和属城的郊野,大比拉和属城的郊野

    From the tribe of Issachar , Kishion , Daberath

  5. 便雅悯的长子比拉,次子亚实别,三子亚哈拉。

    Benjamin fathered Bela his firstborn , Ashbel the second , Aharah the third .

  6. 下面这个故事有关碧翠斯,比拉.

    Let me tell you about Beatrice Biira .

  7. 便雅悯的儿子是比拉,比结,耶叠,共三人。

    The sons of benjamin ; bela , and becher , and jediael , three .

  8. 比拉食人鱼一直让美国观众感到恐怖,它们生性凶残,爱吃肉食。

    Piranhas have long terrorized American audiences , with their ferocious appetites and need for meat .

  9. 下一次,你若来到密些根的比拉,去看一看那棵美丽的榆树。

    The next time you 're in Beulah , Michigan , look for that beautiful elm .

  10. 奥切斯比拉1岁大的儿子克诺尔也在屋里,但没有受到伤害。

    Ochse ine's1-year-old son , Co or , also was in the house but was unharmed .

  11. 比拉死了,波斯拉人谢拉的儿子约巴接续他作王。

    And Bela died , and jobab the son of Zerah of Bozrah reigned in his stead .

  12. 从亚门低比拉太音起行,安营在尼波对面的亚巴琳山里。

    And they removed from Almondiblathaim , and pitched in the mountains of Abarim , before Nebo .

  13. 比珥的儿子比拉在以东作王,他的京城名叫亭哈巴。

    And Bela the son of Beor reigned in Edom : and the name of his city was Dinhabah .

  14. 有时候我觉得看见汹涌澎湃的海水那边有海岸,象比拉的小山一样可爱;

    I thought sometimes I saw beyond its wild waters a shore , sweet as the hills of Beulah ;

  15. 这种方法也比拉皮整形便宜,平均每块皱纹区需要400美金。

    It 's also cheaper than a face-lift costing , on average , US $ 400 per wrinkled area .

  16. 比拉的母亲告诉他,这将使他每满一个月成为一个狼人。

    Bela 's mother tells him that this will cause him to become a werewolf at each full moon .

  17. 菲利普笑了。他比拉乌尔大20岁,与其说是拉乌尔的兄长,倒不如说是他的父亲。

    Philippe laughed . He was twenty years older than Raoul , and was more like a father than a brother .

  18. 跑的时候要快,可是休息的工夫也长,总比拉散座儿轻闲。

    Though you had to run fast , the breaks were long , so it was much easier than pulling odd fares .

  19. 我从未见过哪里的地貌比拉贾斯坦邦更加壮丽,也没见过哪个城市的破败景象能与孟买或柯尔喀塔相比。

    I have seen no topography more dramatically majestic than that of Rajasthan , no urban squalor to match Mumbai or Kolkata .

  20. “比拉号”也是海明威同妻儿们一起生活过的地方,但这段往事并未给海明威的声誉锦上添花。

    Pilar was also the scene of time spent with wives and children , and those reflections do not sweeten Hemingway 's reputation .

  21. 他觉得这无论怎样也比拉车强,挣钱不多,可是不用卖力气呢。

    To him , this was better than pulling a rickshaw , the pay might be less , but it was less effort too .

  22. 奥切斯比拉告诉警方她不认识周五去她家的那个女人,她以借用电话为名进入了奥切斯比拉的家中。

    Ochsenbine told police she did not know the woman who came to her door Fridayentered the house after asking to use the telephone .

  23. 但这种反常的传记推测不能磨灭海明威令人瞩目的文学成就,特别是在买到“比拉”号之前的辉煌。

    But this obsessive biographical speculation has managed to obscure Hemingway 's considerable literary achievement , especially in the years before he bought Pilar .

  24. 又从撒立往东转向日出之地,到吉斯绿他泊的境界,又通到大比拉,上到雅非亚。

    It turned east from Sarid toward the sunrise to the territory of kisloth Tabor and went on to daberath and up to japhia .

  25. 《探索发现》频道称,红腹帕库食人鱼是比拉食人鱼的近亲,比拉食人鱼非常有名,在电视电影中和大银幕电影中让游泳者感到恐怖。

    The red-bellied pacu is the cousin of a very well-known fish that terrorizes swimmers in made-for-TV movies and on the big screen : the piranha , notes the Discovery channel .

  26. 在外型尺寸(外径和高)相同的条件下,以相同的可比条件进行计算,结论是车轮型填充床压力降比拉西环的小。

    Given the Same comparable conditions and the same outer dimensions ( external diameter and height ), the pressure drop produced by the wheel catalysts is smaller than that of the Raschig ring catalysts .

  27. 以色列人未有君王治理之先,在以东地作王的记在下面,有比珥的儿子比拉,他的京城名叫亭哈巴。

    Now these are the kings that reigned in the land of Edom before any king reigned over the children of Israel ; Bela the son of Beor : and the name of his city was Dinhabah .

  28. 将海明威后来的形象更加人性化--------迟钝的倔老头子。在哈瓦那海明威故居展览馆,“比拉号”“像一只老得泛黄的鲸鱼”一般躺在花园里-----这样的画面渲染了书中弥漫着的强烈忧郁之感。

    Pilar is now a museum piece " like some old and gasping browned-out whale " in the garden of Hemingway 's house outside Havana . That image contributes to the strong feeling of melancholy that pervades this book .

  29. 于是所多玛王、蛾摩拉王、押玛王、洗扁王,和比拉王(比拉就是琐珥)都出来,在西订谷摆阵,与他们交战

    Then the king of Sodom , the king of Gomorrah , the king of Admah , the king of Zeboiim and the king of Bela ( that is , Zoar ) marched out and drew up their battle lines in the Valley of Siddim

  30. 证实θ环的液体阻力明显比拉西环小,θ环尤适用于真空蒸馏,在大液体量的吸收操作时,θ环较有利。

    It is demonstrated that the resistance to liquid for θ ring was obviously smaller than that of Raschig ring , and that the θ ring is suitable for and it is the vacuum distillation favourable for the obsorption of a large amount of liquid .