
  • 网络aperture
  1. 对于在给定C/N和EIRP情况下如何选择天线口径作了论述,并讨论了小口径天线Ku/C兼容、EIRP与天线余量等问题。

    In this mean time , how to choice the antenna aperture in a given value of C / N and EIRP is discussed .

  2. 天线口径大小对混波室测试的影响

    Effect of antenna aperture on measurements in reverberation chamber

  3. CT~2(θ)与CT~2(180°)比值以及CT~2(θ)随高度的变化都与天线口径、风速分布和m值等密切相关。

    The ratio [ C2T (θ) / C2T ( 180 °) ] and variation of C2T (θ) with altitude are related to antenna diameter , profile of wind velocity and m value .

  4. 从接收机的比特误码率与发射机的振动关系出发,采用OOK调制方式,以APD为光电探测器,推导得到了描述发射机天线口径与发射机振动关系的数学模型。

    A direct mathematical expression for the relationship between the transmitter optics aperture and the satellite vibration amplitude has been derived . The assumption in the derived model is that the satellite communication system adapts on-off keying ( OOK ) modulation and an APD as the detector .

  5. 关于抛物面天线口径场特征的进一步探讨

    Make a Further Approach to Aperture Field Feature of Parabolic Antenna

  6. 基于哈密顿体系辛算法喇叭天线口径场的研究

    Horn Antenna Aperture Field Based on Hamilton Architecture and Symplectic Algorithm

  7. 基于遗传算法的相控阵天线口径激励的多阶振幅量化

    The Multiple-Step Amplitude Quantization of Phased Array Excitement Based on Genetic Algorithm

  8. 分析了机载合成孔径雷达天线口径对成像处理的影响。

    The influence of airborne SAR antenna aperture on imaging process is analyzed .

  9. 用二极管调制散射法测量天线口径场

    Measuring the aperture field distribution by means of the modulated diode scattering method

  10. 平面波激励的超宽带天线口径辐射特性研究

    Research on the radiated characteristic of UWB aperture in the condition of plane waves

  11. 本文介绍了二极管调制散射法测量天线口径场的基本原理与方法;

    The basic theory of the modulated diode scattering method of measuring the aperture field distribution is described .

  12. 首次在球坐标系统下研究了电磁导弹有趣的波瓣特性。研究表明:当天线口径、距离一定时,电磁导弹的波瓣随波形参量减小而变窄;

    The interesting pattern characteristics of electromagnetic ( EM ) missiles in spherical coordinates is investigated for the first time .

  13. 理论和实验分析结果表明,随着天线口径长度增加,方向函数和各向异性系数减小,局部平均作用增强。

    The theoretical and experimental results indicate that variance function and anisotropy coefficient reduce with the length of antenna aperture .

  14. 分析了影响阵列天线口径效率的因素,通过三种途径优化了口径效率;

    Factor which affected the aperture efficiency is analyzed , and then the aperture efficiency using three approaches is optimized ;

  15. 高频头质量越好,相应的接收天线口径要求越小,成本越低。

    The more good quality of the LNB , the smaller caliber and the lower cost of receiving antenna were required .

  16. 超分辨谱估计技术可以在不增大天线口径的情况下提高米波雷达的方位角分辨力。

    Azimuth resolution of meter wave radar can be improved by using super resolution spectrum estimation methods without extending the antenna aperture .

  17. 研究了一种利用近场测量技术全息成像相控阵天线口径幅相的方法。

    A holographic technique is investigated for amplitude and phase distributions in the aperture of a phased array antenna by using near field measurements .

  18. 接着求出口径上的电磁场,进而归纳出抛物面天线口径场的四大共同特征。

    Next the electromagnetic field on aperture was found , and then proceeded to sum up five common features of aperture field of parabolic antenna .

  19. 本文讨论了线源对抛物柱面偏焦馈电的几何光学性质,提出了一种判断最优化的几何光学评价函数,计算了最优馈源位置随天线口径尺寸和波束指向角变化的规律。

    In this paper , geometrical optical properties of off-axis fed parabolic cylinder reflector are discussed , and the geometrical optical objective function is proposed .

  20. 研究了对超宽带天线口径的激励,结果表明如果观测点在口径的中轴线上则辐射电磁的幅度与天线口径的面积有关,与口径形状无关;

    Using Huygens equivalent principle , calculate the relationship between any shade of electric strength and exciting out of ultra-wide TEM antennas aperture radiation field .

  21. 用进行混波室校准或用混波室进行电磁兼容测试时,必须考虑天线口径大小和搅动步长对测试的影响。

    The influence of antenna size and stirrer ( s ) step on test must be considered in RC calibration and EMC test in RC . 5 .

  22. 对地面移动卫星通信地球站特点进行了分析,针对3种天线口径进行了卫星链路计算,并对计算结果进行了分析。

    This paper analyses the characteristic of land mobile satellite station , then calculates the satellite link based on three antenna diameters , and fi-nally analyses the calculation result .

  23. 通过分析工作门限对不同天线口径地球站的影响,给出了一种新的工作门限设计方法。

    Based on the analysis of the influence of working threshold on earth stations which are equipped with antennas of different apertures , a new design method of working threshold is proposed .

  24. 传统的分析喇叭天天线口径场的方法中引入了各种近似和假设条件,影响分析的准确性,因此必要发展新的分析方法。

    The conventional horn antenna aperture field solution method always introduces various approximate or assumptive condition in the analysis , and the accuracy is lowered , so new method should be adopted for improving the calculating accuracy .

  25. 通过实例的计算,阐述了作为有线电视系统信号源的数字电视信号余量与接收天线口径的关系,另外介绍了在卫星接收调试及天线维护方面的一些经验体会。

    This paper gives an explanation on the relationship between the remains of digital TV signals as signal sources of Cable TV system and the dimension of receiving antenna via calculation of examples , and introduces some experience on satellite receiving adjustment and antenna maintenance .

  26. 整体测量方案中,根据天线口径较大,使用普通相机无法获取完整图像的特点,提出了使用广角镜头相机获取图像的方法。

    For the overall measurement scheme , we prefer the wide-angle camera to the ordinary camera to get the image , since the size of antenna is relatively large and it is not able to get the whole image in focus by using the ordinary camera .

  27. 现介绍的背射馈源卡氏天线其口径为11.7λ,工作于Ka波段,通过组合馈源的偏置实现了-3dB波束交叉的圆锥扫描。

    The present backfire Cassegrain antenna has an aperture of 11.7 λ and operates at Ka - band . The antenna can be used in conical scan with - 3d B of cross over .

  28. 该文提出了机载超宽带天线罩口径积分-表面积分-自适应网格(AI-SI-AG)分析方法。

    In this paper , a method of the Aperture-Integration , Surface-Integration and Adaptive Grid ( AI-SI-AG ) for ultra-wideband airborne radome analysis is presented .

  29. 超宽带天线矩形口径辐射特性研究

    The study about radiated property of the UWB antennas rectangular aperture

  30. 该文对载体平台上双天线共口径的可行性进行了研究,口径为带介质罩的深腔。

    The feasibility of making two antennas work with a shared aperture on a platform is investigated .