
  • 网络larger than
  1. 反射海-里海比大-没有度假胜地。

    The reflective sea larger than the Caspian is no vacation spot .

  2. 麦凯恩说,所用的计算已经比大萧条时期的大得多。

    McCain says the measures being taken are much larger than those taken during the great depression .

  3. 由于同步辐射X光有非常好的平行性、极强的辐射强度、连续的光谱,使LIGA技术能够制造出高宽比大到500、厚度几近1000μm的微三维立体结构。

    Because synchronous X-ray has very perfect parallel quality , strong radiation intensity and continuous spectrum , 1000 μ m deep microstructure which aspect ratio is 500 can be fabricated by LIGA technology .

  4. LIGA技术具有加工精度高,深宽比大,表面平整,应用领域广等优点,是一种先进的微细加工方法。

    High processing precision , high aspect ratio and great structural height are the most outstanding advantages of LIGA process , which is a kind of advanced process used in MEMS ( Micro electron mechanical systems ) .

  5. 在多电平逆变器的多种控制策略中,空间矢量脉宽调制(SVPWM)算法具有调制比大、能够优化输出电压波形等优点,通过对SVPWM算法改进可以改善控制性能。

    In the many control strategies in a variety of multi-level inverter , the space vector pulse width modulation ( SVPWM ) algorithm has a big modulation ratio , to optimize the output voltage waveform and other advantages , through improved control of this algorithm can improve control performance .

  6. 在希望维度上,大一学生得分明显比大二、大四学生高。

    On the hope dimension , freshmen scored significantly higher than sophomores , seniors .

  7. 大黄酸似乎比大黄素更易于吸收。

    Among the anthraquinone derivatives studied , rhein was more easily absorbed than emodin .

  8. 在同一照射量内,小照射量率比大照射量率的辐射效应明显。

    The results also show that in the same exposure range the smaller exposure rate has the more effects .

  9. 切克拉斯基法拉制大晶埚径比大直径锗单晶

    Drawing single Ge crystal with large diameter and big diameter ratio of crystal to crucible by means of Czochralski process

  10. 山东临沂地区波速比大幅度变化的原因

    Causes of the variations of great amplitude of velocity ratio of seismic waves in the Lin-yi District of Shandong Province

  11. 结合碱性蓄电池塑料壳长径比大的特点,全面分析了碱性蓄电池塑料壳设计及制造的关键技术。

    Key techniques of designing and making the alkaline storage battery were analyzed thoroughly according as the characteristic of big length-diameter ratio .

  12. 快速点磨削主要工艺特点是磨削力和磨削温度低、磨削比大、表面完整性和加工精度好。

    The main grinding properties are low grinding forces and temperature , high G - ratio , good surface integrity and high precision .

  13. 夹心式纵振换能器具有结构坚固、制造工艺简单、功率重量比大、电声效率高等优点。

    Sandwich vertical vibration transducer has the advantages of solid structure , simple manufacturing process , big power-to-weight ratio and high electro-acoustical efficiency .

  14. 要满足当前的泵浦要求,高占空比大功率激光器阵列是必需的泵浦源。

    There is the need for high duty-cycle laser diode array to satisfy the demand the DPSSL ( diode pumping solid state laser ) technology .

  15. 但塑料薄膜覆盖对于模样顶面宽大,且深凹部的深凹比大的砂型的气流紧实的匀实性不利。

    But when the mould contents a pattern with broad top surface and very deep sand pocket , a plastic film is not advantageous for homogeneous compacting .

  16. 通过颗粒级配方法制备的SiC/Al复合材料的抗弯强度比大颗粒的强度高,比小颗粒的低。

    The bending strength of SiC / Al composites by grade of particles is higher than that of big particles and lower than that of small particles .

  17. 回转型可展开天线具有质量轻,收缩比大等优点,因此对其进行分析和研究是非常必要的。

    The rotary deployable antenna is one of the newly designed antennas , which has great advantages of light mass and large contraction ratio and so on .

  18. 中小企业已成为世界各国主要的经济力量,但因中小企业固有的问题和弱点,它在市场竞争中面临比大企业更多、更大的挑战。

    While SMEs have become the main force in many countries ' economic growth , they still face many challenges in market place when competing with big Businesses .

  19. 对九点差分格式进行了适用范围的讨论,并在此基础上提出辅助网格差分方法,用于处理因网格长宽比大且扭曲较大的网格引起的计算精度与计算效率降低的问题。

    The limitation of 9-point scheme is provided . An assistant mesh difference method is proposed for distorted meshes with large aspect ratio to improve precision and efficiency .

  20. 液压伺服系统以其功率/体积比大,运行平稳,动态响应速度快等优点在各种工业机械中得到广泛的应用。

    Hydraulic serve system is wide used in the industry machine due to its high ratio of power and volume , move placidity , high speed of dynamic response .

  21. 普通稠油注水开发油藏由于油水黏度比大,面临进入高含水中后期水驱开采效果越来越差的普遍矛盾。

    For the high oil-water viscosity ratio of common heavy oil reservoir , the development effect becomes worse and worse with the reservoir coming into the high water production phase .

  22. 拉杆是港口起重机重要组成构件,具有细长比大、刚度小等特点,很容易发生涡激振动,而剧烈的振动能够引起拉杆的疲劳开裂,造成安全事故。

    Tension bar , however , as one of the main parts of port crane , are characterized with big slender ratio and low rigidity , which can easily cause Vortex-vibration .

  23. 对磁流变阻尼器的实验研究结果表明该阻尼器的力位移滞回曲线饱满,阻尼比大;

    Based on the experimental studies of the dampers , it was indicated that the force displacement hysteretic curves were very full , and damping ratios were great . The dampers were velocity dependent .

  24. 液压传动具有功率质量比大、可实现无级调速、操纵控制方便等优点而被广泛应用于工业生产及日常生活领域。

    Hydraulic transmission has been widely used in the fields of industrial production and daily life as having advantages of high power quality ratio , realizing variable speed control , conveniently manipulation and control .

  25. 软土在填海造地工程中分布广泛,具有含水量高,强度低,孔隙比大,地基承载力低,易于变形等特性。

    The soft soil which has some characteristics of high water content , void ratio , low strength , low bearing capacity of foundation , easy deformation , is widely distributed in sea-filling project .

  26. 其意义是:在现阶段,整机平衡的完整技术成为解决长径比大,分离因数高的沉降离心机的振动问题的一个有效的方法和手段。

    The significance is that the entire-machine balancing techology is , at present stage , a practical method and mean to effectively reduce vibration of decanter with large length-diameter ratio and high relative centrifugal force .

  27. 非圆齿轮传动作为一种特殊的传动形式,在实现变传动比大扭矩传动中应用广泛。

    Noncircular gear is an important and special part which can be used in many transmission occasion , it is in the wide range of applications in the realization of variable transmission ratio , high-torque transmission .

  28. 准分子激光刻蚀技术在微机械领域有着十分广泛的应用前景,用该技术制作的聚合物微结构深宽比大、精度高,并且工艺简单。

    The etching technology using excimer laser has extensive application prospect in micromachine . The microstructure fabrications by using this technology have the merits such as large depth width ratio , high precision , and simple techniques .

  29. 可调式液力装置兼有传统液力元件能容功率重量比大、隔离衰减扭振、过载保护等优良传动品质,同时还具有对工作机械实现无级调速的功能。

    Adjustable hydraulic equipment inherit the excellent transmission quality , such as power to weight ratio , isolation of torsional vibration overload protection , but also has the fuction of continuous adjustable speed to the load machine .

  30. 强度等级低、水胶比大或者饱和程度大的混凝土中流速较大。(3)对流速模型进行积分运算得到水分渗透深度理论模型。

    Flow rate is greater in concrete with lower strength grade , higher water cement ratio or higher saturation degree . ( 3 ) The moisture penetration depth theoretical model is obtained based on flow rate model using integral .