
  • Victory Monument
  1. 泰国佛教僧侣聚集周日5月16日,2010年,在曼谷,泰国诵经祈祷和平的胜利纪念碑。

    Thai Buddhist monks gather Sunday , May16,2010 , at Victory Monument in Bangkok , Thailand to chant prayers for peace .

  2. 这一切都是在胜利纪念碑前面进行,这个地方曾发生了几次小规模非暴力示威,抗议1932年以来军方的第12次成功政变。也就是这次政变将守内阁和部分由选举产生的参议院排挤在外。

    This all occurred in front of Victory Monument , the venue for several small-scale , non-violent demonstrations against the military 's 12th successful coup since 1932 , which pushed aside the caretaker cabinet and the partly-elected Senate .

  3. 在建水人心目中,桥梁不仅是桥梁还是祭坛,还是人功战胜天工的胜利纪念碑。

    In the minds of the Jianshui people , Bridge is not only a building but also a the altar .

  4. 这是为一位著名的英国上将以及他取得的重大胜利而修建的纪念碑。

    It was built as a monument to one of Britain 's great admirals and his important victory .