
  • 网络Shengli Street;Triumph Street
  1. 胜利街内传统民居以及传统景观,具有浓厚的历史文化氛围。

    Victory Street the traditional houses as well as traditional landscape , with strong historical and cultural atmosphere .

  2. 活化采用以进为单位对民居进行更新改造,为居民营造舒适生活环境,通过活化非物质文化遗产,提供和创造就业机会,激活胜利街文化旅游产业,维持历史街区的活力。

    Activation adopted " into " to create a comfortable living environment for residents , activation of the intangible cultural heritage , and to provide and create jobs , maintain the vitality of the historic district .

  3. 取得胜利后,街上挂满了旗帜。

    The street was dressed out in flags where the victory was won .

  4. 其它积极因素包括通用汽车(generalmotors)胜利回归华尔街,以及市场对中国加息的担心有所缓和,但最主要的推动因素还是来自爱尔兰。

    Further positive factors included a triumphant return to Wall Street for general motors and an easing of worries about higher interest rates in China , although the chief catalyst came from Dublin .

  5. 论述了南昌市胜利路商业步行街建设的背景、意义,并从商业步行街的空间设计、街道景观环境、商业气氛及商业特色等方面进行了思考并提出了建议。

    This article describes the background and of commerce pedestrian street of Shengli road construction in Nanchang , and thinks over the respects , such as the space design , view environment , commercial atmosphere and characteristic of commerce Pedestrian Street and so on , at last provides some advices .