
  • 网络crude oil stabilization;crude oil stability;stabilization of crude oil
  1. 变频调速系统在原油稳定装置中的应用

    Application of Frequency Converter in Crude Oil Stabilization Unit

  2. 负压原油稳定装置

    Vacuum Crude Oil Stabilization Unit

  3. DCS控制系统在原油稳定压缩机中的应用

    Application of DCS in Compressors

  4. 原油稳定富气的处理工艺研究

    Study of Processing Scheme of Rich Gases from Crude Oil Stabilizer

  5. 气提工艺在原油稳定装置中的应用研究

    Application and research of gas stripping process in oil stabilization installation

  6. 原油稳定装置污染源分析与控制

    Analyze and Control of the Pollution in Crude Oil Stability Plant

  7. 原油稳定装置堵塞腐蚀原因分析及对策

    Cause Analysis of Corrosion Blocking of Crude Oil Stabilizer and Countermeasures

  8. 原油稳定装置数学模型开发及仿真

    Mathematic Model Development and Computer Simulation of Crude Stabilizer Unit

  9. 大庆油田原油稳定装置汽提技术研究

    Study on Stripping Technology of Daqing Oilfield Oil Stability Process

  10. 原油稳定装置计算机仿真系统开发

    The Development for Computer Simulation System of Crude Stabilizer

  11. 气提原油稳定轻烃回收技术的应用

    Application of Stripping Crude Stabilization Light Hydrocarbon Recovery Technology

  12. 应用气提原油稳定工艺提高轻烃回收率

    Increasing Light Ends Recovery Ratio with Stripping Process

  13. 原油稳定装置的腐蚀原因分析

    Analysis of Corrosion of Crude OU Stabilization Unit

  14. 负压法原油稳定装置生产条件试验陕北石油秩序

    Vacuum Crude Oil Stabilizer Production Condition Experiment

  15. 介绍了改造后的气提原油稳定轻烃回收技术的作用和效益。

    In this paper , the economic profits obtained from the technological modification is given .

  16. 原油稳定装置的评述

    Comments on Crude Oil Stabilization Plants

  17. 一种新的常压加氢负压取样装置及其油脂加氢工艺负压原油稳定装置

    A New Hydrogenation Device With a Unit Taking Sample by Vacuum and Its Operation Vacuum Crude Oil Stabilization Unit

  18. 本文简述了变频调速器在原油稳定装置技术改造过程中的应用及其运行情况。

    The paner intrdue the application of frequency converter in improving crude oil Stabilization unit and it 's operating situation .

  19. 对中原油田采油一厂文一联、文三联负压原油稳定装置存在的问题进行了分析。

    The analysis on problems existed in the negative pressure crude stabilization units of two multi-purpose stations in Zhongyuan oilfield has been made .

  20. 通过工艺改造,实现了装置常温凝液和原油稳定凝析液烃的降温脱水。

    Technological modification were carried out to realize cooling and dewatering of at-mo spheric tempera ture condensed liquid and crude sta ble condensed liquid hydrocarbon .

  21. 主要表现在:集输工艺及各种原油稳定工艺中处于较低水平,有必要改进工艺提高效率。

    Mainly displays in : gathering and transportation technology and various kinds of crude oil stable process low level , it is necessary to improve the process to improve efficiency .

  22. 文章介绍了某原油稳定装置利用放空天然气代替处理后的中压干气作为加热炉燃气的改造情况。

    The innovation using the natural gas to air as fuel to provide the heater in place of middle pressure dry gas in one crude oil stabilization plant is introduced in this paper .

  23. 无论采用何种稳定方法,在原油稳定的工艺计算中都离不开未稳定原油的平衡闪蒸计算。

    No matter what stabilization method will be employed , the process calculation of crude oil ′ s stabilization can ′ t be accomplished without the calculation of equilibrium flash of unstabilized crude oil .

  24. 水在油中的溶解度很低,常见的负压闪蒸原油稳定过程及井场的油、水与伴生气分离过程,实际上均为三相闪蒸过程。

    Typical three-phase flash processes are oil stabilization process under vaccum flash and the separation of oil , water and accompanying-gas in well field , since the solubility of water in oil is very low .

  25. 添加BEM-3剂的含蜡原油静态稳定72h,动态稳定168h后降凝效果变化不大。

    The pour point depressing effect of the BEM-3 add-ed waxy crude was basically no changes after 72h static stabilizing and 168h dynamic stabilizing .

  26. 原油价格稳定在每桶不到44美元。

    Oil prices were steady at below $ 44 a barrel .

  27. “一旦原油价格稳定下来,买家会再次开始入货。”印度贸易商说。

    Once crude prices are more stable , buyers will start buying again , 'said an Indian trader .

  28. 其中,原煤产量35.2亿吨,原油产量稳定在2亿吨,成品油产量2.7亿吨。

    Of this , raw coal reached 3.52 billion tons ; crude oil , 200 million tons ; and refined oil products , 270 million tons .

  29. 老油田二次开发和新油田整体高效开发有序推进,原油产量稳定增长;

    The secondary development for mature oilfields and the efficient integrated development of new oilfields were promoted orderly , resulting in a steady growth in crude production .

  30. 在过去,石油输出国组织(OrganizationOfThePetroleumExportingCountries,简称欧佩克)经常削减原油产量来稳定价格。

    And in the past the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries , known as OPEC , has frequently cut production to firm up prices .