
yuán chǎn dì zhènɡ mínɡ
  • certificate of origin
  1. 由授权机构出具的原产地证明一式三份。

    Certificate of origin in3 copies issued by authorized institution .

  2. 原产地证明,副本。

    Certificate of Origin in copies * .

  3. 受益人出具的中国原产地证明。

    Certificate showing goods to be of China origin issued by beneficiary .

  4. 投标商必须提供原产地证明资料。

    The bidder shall provide Certificate of Origin .

  5. 原产地证明复印件;

    Photocopy of the place of origin certificate ;

  6. 生产厂家签发的原产地证明一式三份。出口单证(原产地证明书)产地商会出具的产地证原件一份,副本两份。

    Certificate of origin in one original and two copies issued by the local Chamber of Commerce .

  7. 进口单位应当在抽样前,提供出厂检验报告书和原产地证明原件。

    Before sampling , the import entity shall provide the factory inspection report and the original origin certification .

  8. 对到岸货物实施现场核验;核查出厂检验报告书和原产地证明原件;

    To conduct spot inspection on the cargos arrived at the port ; to examine the factory inspection report and the certificate of origin ;

  9. 办理原产地证明的申请人应当依法取得出入境检验检疫机构的注册登记。

    The applicants for handling the certificate of place of origin shall get the registration of the entry exit inspection and quarantine organs according to law .

  10. 出口货物一般原产地证明的签发,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定执行。

    The provisions of the relevant laws and administrative regulations shall be followed for the issuance of the general certificate of place of origin of export goods .

  11. 我上次信中提及的原产地证明不方便提供的话,你提供的测试报告也可以。

    If it is inconvenient for your to supply the Certificate of Origin mentioned in my last letter , the test report provided by you is alternative .

  12. 而且,香港已经表明,当不再要求时,一份原产地证明是进口商更加感兴趣的。

    Further , Hong Kong has indicated that , while not required , it will be in the importer 's " interest " to obtain a Certificate of Origin .

  13. 只要我们准备好原产地证明,并告知船务代理商新的变化情况,我们将不用关注什么。

    As long as our certificates of origin are in order and our shipping agents are well informed of the changes , we won 't have anything to be concerned about .

  14. 伪造、变造进出口原产地证明、进出口许可证,依照刑法第一百六十七条的规定追究刑事责任;

    Anyone who commits forgery distortion of certificates of country of origin or license for import or export shall be subject to criminal prosecution under Article 167 of the Criminal Law .

  15. 对于西方的早期标志,我们可以合理地人为社会身份标志和各种原产地证明是需要与愿望共同作用的结果。

    Logos regarding the western early time that , we may reasonably the artificial social status symbolize and each kind of source area proof needs the result which and the desire affects together .

  16. 未提供出厂检验报告书和原产地证明原件,或者所提供的原件与申报进口备案时的复印件不符的;

    No original factory inspection report or origin certificate has been provided , or the original certificates are inconsistent with the photocopies , which are submitted when the application for import record keeping is filed ;

  17. 我国原产地证明的发展起步较晚,相关的研究工作开展的较比美、日、欧盟等发达国家落后。

    Since the development of Certificate of Origin in China started later than the United States , Japan and European countries , China lagged far behind other countries tries in related research on Certificate of Origin .

  18. 受益人证明并附上快递的底单,证明上需要说明由中国国际贸易促进委员会签发的一份正本的原产地证明以及一套不可议付的运输单据已经快递给了信用证的申请人了。

    Beneficiary 's certificate with enclosed courier receipt showing that one original Certifycate of origin issued by the China Council for promotion of international trade , one of set of non-negotiable shipping documents have been sent to the applicant .

  19. 要促进英山茶叶产业的进一步发展,建议当地政府、企业和农户必须以注册英山原产地证明商标为契机,打造统一的区位品牌,组建英山茶业联合舰队,提高地区茶叶产业竞争力。

    To promote the industry 's further development of Yingshan tea and increase the competition ability of the local tea industry , Yingshan government and tea business and the farmers must register the unified local tea trademark , build a united area brand , and organize a Yingshan tea ally .