
  1. 海上山东的历史考察

    The Studying of the Marine Social Economic Tradition in Shandong 's History

  2. 海上山东建设十周年的回顾与前瞻

    Recollection and prospect & the tenth anniversary of constructing ″ marine Shandong ″

  3. 健全海洋科技推广体系推进海上山东建设

    Amplify Maring scientific and technological popularization and carry forward the construction of marine Shandong

  4. 荣成市实施建设海上山东战略的调查报告

    Investigation Report of Strategy on Implement Construction the Shandong of the Seas in the Rongcheng

  5. 山东曾率先在全国提出建设海上山东的发展战略,在发展海洋经济方面具有丰富的经验和厚实基础,从区位、资源和科技方面,也有打造蓝色经济区得天独厚的优势。

    Shandong has the rich experience and the thick foundation in the development of marine economy .

  6. 海洋水产资源利用合理与否,事关“海上山东”建设和全省农业的持续发展。

    The paper analyses the characteristics , superiority , exploiting current situation and problems on sea aquatic product resources in Shandong province .

  7. “海上山东”发展战略的实施,促进了山东省旅游业的快速发展。

    The implementation of the " mountain and seashore tourism in Shandong " strategy gave a big push to the tourism development of Shandong Province .