
  • 网络Hainan Provincial Museum
  1. 九十年代建设海南省博物馆群体的探讨

    Approaching the group of museums in Hainan province in 1990s

  2. 加强自身建设发挥教育功能&海南省博物馆现状与对策的思考

    Hainan Provincial Museums : Status Quo and Countermeasures

  3. 作者依据海南岛秀丽的热带风光、悠久的文化古迹、多彩的民族风情和富饶的物产资源等特点,提出在90年代建设海南省博物馆群体的总体构思。

    Based on the beautiful tropical sight , longstanding cultural traces , customs and richly endowed resources of Hainan , overall conception of establishing group of museums for Hainan in 1990 , s is approached .