
  • 网络Chengdu Museum
  1. 以在建实际工程成都博物馆为依托,建立结构三维有限元模型,分析其在不同竖向振动作用下的结构各层响应情况,并建立文物藏品子模型进行分析。

    Based on the actual project Chengdu museum , the three-dimensional finite element model of structure was established and was used to analysis the response of each layer in different vibration incentive .

  2. 本文结合中国航空工业规划设计研究院设计的成都博物馆拟建项目,对博物馆建筑及文物振动评价标准问题进行了探讨,并对地铁引起环境振动对结构及文物藏品的影响进行了研究。

    Based on Chengdu museum project designed by AVIC , the vibration evaluation standards of museum structures and cultural relic had been discussed , and the influences of environment vibration on structure and cultural relics caused by the metro operations were studied .

  3. 杨:我第一次展览是1997年,我的个展在成都美术博物馆,同时这个展览也是王林当时策划的“都市人格系列展”的一个特展。

    My first personal show was in Chengdu Art Museum in1997 and meanwhile it was also a special show " personality series in the urban " designed by Wanlin .

  4. 结合成都金沙遗址博物馆地源热泵地下水换热系统工程的施工实践,介绍了选择适宜的管井结构、合理布置抽水井和回灌井、对井口装置进行密闭、二次洗井等施工关键技术。

    The advanced technologies such as water source heat pump and double well reinjection used in the geothermal water heating project in the Xiong County of Hebei Province were introduced .

  5. 本文以成都理工学院博物馆的标本收集为例,阐述了高校博物馆标本收集对博物馆的陈列展示,科学研究及持续发展的重要性和该馆猎取标本的途径。

    Taking as an example the specimen collection by museum of Chengdu University of Technology , this paper expounds the position and function of specimen collection in display and exhibition , scientific and technological researches , and sustainable development of museums of universities .