
chéng wèn tí
  • be a problem;be open to question;be open to quesiton
成问题 [chéng wèn tí]
  • [be open to question;be a problem] 存有疑问或出现难题

成问题[chéng wèn tí]
  1. 在绝大多数情况下,这应该不成问题。

    In the vast majority of cases , this should not be a problem .

  2. 距离不成问题。

    The distance wouldn 't be a problem .

  3. 对这些学生来说,成问题的是发音。

    With these students it 's pronunciation that 's the problem .

  4. 他们出示的证据中有些相当成问题。

    Some of the evidence they produced was highly suspect .

  5. 这是一部品位很成问题的喜剧片。

    The film is a comedy in highly questionable taste .

  6. 他认得足够多的乐符,看懂乐谱不成问题。

    He recognizes enough notation to be able to follow a score .

  7. 虽然他主要住在威尔士,但是距离不成问题。

    Although he was based in Wales , distance was no object .

  8. 找个志愿者编这个计算机程序不成问题。

    Finding a volunteer to write the computer program isn 't a problem

  9. 这种鸟活动的范围很大,因此觅食不成问题。

    Feeding is not a problem because the birds range over such a large area

  10. 虽然3天时间不算长,但对他来说,这已经是最不成问题的问题了。

    Although three days isn 't very long , shortage of time was the least of his problems

  11. 在我国大学毕业生就业不成问题。

    Getting a job is no problem for college graduates in our country .

  12. 完成生产指标不成问题。

    We will fulfil the quota without fail .

  13. 雨再不停,明天的比赛就要成问题了。

    If the rain doesn 't stop , I doubt if we can have the game tomorrow .

  14. 这活儿干得这么粗,真成问题。

    The job has been done very carelessly ; this is really serious .

  15. 我只担心他对那项工作的态度,他的能力是不成问题。

    I 'm only worried about his attitude to the job ; his competence is not in question .

  16. 车外的空气质量已经成问题了:污染水平受到追踪的那些城市的居民,超过80%暴露在质量未达世界卫生组织(WorldHealthOrganization,简称WHO)所设限值的大气中。

    Air quality is already a problem outside ofcars : More than 80 percent of people living in cities where pollution istracked are exposed to air quality levels below World Health Organizationlimits .

  17. 由于GUARD是受低阻源驱动的,所以从GUARD到系统共用点的漏泄不成问题。

    Because GUARD is driven from a low impedance source , the leakage from GUARD to system common is not a problem .

  18. 维琪:这台影印机有一个A3纸张盘,要影印A3大小的副本不成问题。

    Vicky : That 's no problem on this photocopier as it 's got an A3 paper tray .

  19. EJB只是基础典型应用围绕分布式业务对象这种现象的一个特例,所以架构上选择EJB是最好的实现这种说法,已经被证明是很成问题的。

    This is a special case of the fact that basing typical applications around distributed business objects the architectural choice EJB implements best has proved problematic .

  20. requireonce()和includeonce()的同级调用更成问题,因为它们不仅需要验证文件是否存在,而且它之前没有包含在内。

    The sibling calls of require_once () and include_once () can be more problematic , as they not only need to verify the existence of the file , but also that it hasn 't be included before .

  21. 许多命令都接受stdin或文件作为输入,因此这不成问题。

    Many commands take either stdin or a file as input , so those aren 't a problem .

  22. 如果您已限制对本地主机的访问(如前面展示的xinetd配置所示),或者您已使用TCPWrappers实现了类似的限制,那么这不成问题。

    This is fine if you 've restricted access to localhost , as in the xinetd configuration shown earlier , or if you implement similar restrictions using TCP Wrappers .

  23. 他将上述草案称作“英国财政部抛出的试探气球”,并表示,有些内容仍有待商榷,包括合作和刺激方案等,其中最重要的就是他称之为成问题的imf改革。

    Describing it as a " UK Treasury trial balloon " he said some points were open to negotiation , including co-operation , stimulus packages and , above all , what he called problematic reforms of the IMF .

  24. 这很成问题,因为没有哪种简单方法可以从软件配置管理(SCM)系统中搜索模型信息,也无法保证团队有权访问SCM系统中的模型。

    That was problematic , because there was no easy way to search the software configuration management ( SCM ) system for model information and no guarantee that the team had access to the models in the SCM system .

  25. 自从他脱离了auror的职务,当然,这次讯问任务已经不成问题了。

    Since he was stripped of his Auror duties , however , it hasn 't been an issue .

  26. 但是,如果时间、费用和资源都不成问题,理想的方法是使用ETL工具构建适用专用数据栈或数据仓库的星型架构设计并尽可能汇总数据。

    However , if time , expense , and resources are not a road block , the ideal scenario is to work towards a star schema design for a data mart or warehouse using an ETL tool and aggregate data where possible .

  27. 如果交易完成,火箭队将组建球队历史上最为强大的阵容,NBA总冠军简直如探囊取物,夺得WNBA的总冠军也不成问题。

    If the transaction completed , the rocket will be the formation of the team 's history the most powerful cosmetic , Jane won the NBA championship easily , won the WNBA championship is not a problem .

  28. 这回你找工作不成问题了。

    You won 't have any problems finding a job now .

  29. 这些计划在政治上产生了一些预料不到的,往往成问题的副作用。

    These programs had unanticipated and often questionable political side effects .

  30. 不,我觉得那个不成问题。

    No.I don 't imagine that 's much of a problem .