
  • 网络dongying depression;the dongying sag
  1. 断裂发育是渤海湾盆地东营凹陷中央隆起带的主要特征。

    Faults development is the main characteristic of central uplift belt in the Dongying Sag of BohaiBay Basin .

  2. 最后,以东营凹陷滨南油田的CO2气为实例,利用碳同位素资料,探讨了该油田几个主要区块CO2气的成因。

    In the last part , the origin of CO_2gas in some part of Binnan oil field in Dongying depression is surveyed based on data of carbon isotopes .

  3. 砂砾岩储层预测方法研究&以东营凹陷MF地区为例

    Method for Predicting Glutenite Reservoirs & Taking MF Area for Example

  4. 东西向构造为东营凹陷的主体构造方向,西部的几个凹陷则为北东向展布,坳陷区内的断裂构造以NE向断层为主。

    In the western part of the Jiyang depression , the sags are distributed in NE , and the NE faults are the major controlling structures .

  5. 应用此项技术在济阳坳陷东营凹陷八面河油田识别低阻油层、寻找剩余油富集区取得了成功,累计新增探明储量248×104t,增加可采储量50×104t。

    This technique is used to search for residual oil enrichment zones , the result is successful . The totalized newly proved reserves are 248 × 10 4t and available reserves are 51 × 10 4t .

  6. 陈家庄凸起位于沾化凹陷和东营凹陷之间。

    The Chenjiazhuang salient is located between Zhanhua sag and Dongying sag .

  7. 关于地下断层封闭性的讨论&以东营凹陷为例

    Discussion on the sealing property of deeply buried faults

  8. 区域伸展作用下的重力滑动作用是东营凹陷盐-泥构造的主导成因机制。

    The triggering mechanism for the salt-mud tectonics was gravitational gliding accompanying regional extension .

  9. 文章以东营凹陷为例利用流体包裹体分析了其古压力。

    This article cites Dongying Sag to analyze its paleopressure by using fluid inclusion .

  10. 碳酸盐胶结物是东营凹陷砂岩储层的主要胶结物。

    Carbonate cementation is the main type of cementation of sandstone reservoir of Dongying depression .

  11. 泥质岩裂缝油气藏的成藏机理&以东营凹陷下第三系烃源岩为例

    The Accumulation Mechanisms of Fractured Mudstone Reservoirs

  12. 东营凹陷北部原油有机地化特征与成因类型

    Organic Geochemistry and Origin Types of Crude Oils from the Northern Area of the Dongyin Depression

  13. 在实践上,对东营凹陷烃源岩预测,以及围绕烃源岩进行油气藏勘探具有重大指导作用。

    Inpractical , it have guiding significance to source rock prediction and oil-gas explorationaround the source rock .

  14. 本文探讨了东营凹陷的古水文地质条件反其与油气的关系。

    The paleo-hydrogeological condition of Dongying depression and its relation with oil and gas have been studied .

  15. 根据输导体系类型,将东营凹陷成藏组合体划分为四类。

    The reservoirforming assemblages can be classified to four types by the translocating system types in Dongying depression .

  16. 对东营凹陷牛庄洼陷沙三段砂岩透镜体油藏的成藏过程进行了分析,研究了岩性油气藏的成藏机理。

    The pools of sand lens in the third section of Shahejie Formation in Niuzhuang sub-depression were analyzed .

  17. 古近系沙河街组是东营凹陷最重要的成藏组合。

    The Paleogene Shahejie Formation ( Es ) is the most important hydrocarbon accumulation combination in the Dongying depression .

  18. 该三角训形成的浊积砂体岩性圈闭是东营凹陷沙三段重要的勘探目标,近几年平均每年发现的岩性油藏石油储量超过千万吨。

    Over 10 million tons of oil reserves had been discovered from the lithologic trap annually in last few years .

  19. 将波阻抗特征与岩性信息相结合,能够进一步识别典型砂体、划分相边界等。给出了该技术在东营凹陷层序地层分析和沉积分析中的成功应用实例。

    Based on wave impedance inversion and lithologic information , typical sand body and the boundaries of facies can be identified .

  20. 因此,压实排烃不是东营凹陷下第三系烃源岩排烃的主要机制。

    So compaction is not the main mechanism of hydrocarbon expulsion of the Low Tertiary source rocks in the Dongying Depression .

  21. 摘要东营凹陷由高矿化度地层水引起的低电阻率油层在所发现的低阻油层中占较大的比例。

    Among found low-resistivity pays in Dongying sag , the low-resistivity pays of high formation water salinity took relatively major proportion .

  22. 负反转构造和断块型古潜山普遍存在于东营凹陷通王地区古生界之中。

    Negative reversal structure and the fault-block type buried hills are very common in Palaeozoic group in Tongwang area of Dongying Sag .

  23. 结果表明,干旱气候背景下东营凹陷下第三系的气候周期性变化与湖盆中的层序发育有良好的对应关系。

    It shows that periodic change of climate under the background of draught is correlated with the development of sequence in lacustrine .

  24. 东营凹陷郑南斜坡带砂砾岩体是古近纪沙四段沉积时期形成的以砂、砾岩为主的近岸水下扇沉积体。

    Sandstone rock in Zhengnan slope is sector sedimentary under water which is formed in the fourth section of Shahejie formation in Paleogene period .

  25. 储层主要分布在惠民凹陷、车镇凹陷东部、沾化凹陷西北部的孤北地区和东营凹陷部分地区。

    Sandstone reservoir distributes in Huimin sag , east of Chezhen sag , Gubei area of south Zhanhua sag and part of Dongying sag .

  26. 该研究结果对于东营凹陷正在进行的隐蔽油气藏成藏机理的研究可能具有重要意义。

    This study results may have important significance in researching of hydrocarbon accumulation mechanism of subtle reservoirs in the Dongying depression and other areas .

  27. 其中,油源断层和砂体的空间组合关系对东营凹陷不同成因油气藏的形成与分布起主控作用。

    Among them , the occurrence and distribution of oil and gas reservoirs are mainly controlled by spatial association of faults and sand bodies .

  28. 郑家-王庄地区地处东营凹陷北部陡坡带西段、陈家庄凸起西段的南缘。

    Zhengjia-Wangzhuang area is at the west part of north steep slope in Dongying sag , the south margin of west part of Zhengwang-zhuang heave .

  29. 东营凹陷的复杂断块油气田是深层原生油气藏被断层破坏后,油气经二次或多次运移至浅层的断层伴生圈闭而形成的次生油气藏。

    The complicated fault-block reservoirs in Dongying Depression are the secondary trap deposits which had been migrated from deep to shallow after original reserves broken down .

  30. 东营凹陷超压体系幕式排烃分为“构造幕”和“压力幕”两种方式。

    The episodic expulsion of hydrocarbons in the overpressured systems in the depression can be classified into " tectonic episode " and " pressure episode " .