
  • 网络Dongping Lake
  1. 山东东平湖库区旅游业发展的SWOT分析

    A SWOT Analysis and Countermeasure on the Tourism Development at Dongping Lake Region , Shandong province

  2. 山东省东平湖浮游动物与富营养化防治

    Zooplankton and Control of Eutrophication in Dongping Lake , Shandong Province

  3. CCA和RDA分析结果都表明,沉积物中的总磷含量是与东平湖沉积物细菌群落分布相关性最强的环境因子。

    The results of CCA and RDA indicated that TP ( Total phosphorus ) was the most important environmental factor to influence the structure of bacterial communities in sediments of Lake Dongping .

  4. 东平湖二级湖堤波浪爬高探讨

    Study on Wave Climbing of Secondary Lake Bank in Dongping Lake

  5. 东平湖2007年浮游植物调查及分析

    Analysis of phytoplankton biological quantity in Dongping Lake in 2007

  6. 基于遥感方法的东平湖水域动态监测

    Dynamically Monitoring of Dongping Lake Water Area Based on RS

  7. 东平湖高浓度污染水团的发生规律及监测研究

    Forming rule and monitoring study on polluted water mass of high concentration in Dongping Lake

  8. 东平湖入黄水质良好。

    The water quality of the Dongping Lake entering into the Yellow River is good .

  9. 南水北调东线东平湖库区生态经济可持续发展研究

    A Research on Dongping Lake District Ecological Economy Development of East Route of South-to-North Water Transfer

  10. 东平湖、位山地区近代冲积、湖积层的分布规律与物理力学特性

    The Law of Distribution and Mechanical Properties of Recent Lake Alluvium of Dongping Lake and Wei shan region

  11. 山东黄河、东平湖排蓄洪能力分析与建议

    Evaluation of flood discharge and storage capacity and recommendations in the Dongping Lake and Yellow River of Shandong Province

  12. 本次研究将对东平湖二级湖堤的安全运用,乃至整个东平湖滞洪区的综合安全运用具有重要的指导意义。

    The research has important guidance to safe operation of the 2nd-class bank and the whole flood detention zone of Dongping Lake .

  13. 随着沉积物深度的增加,东平湖沉积物中不同形态的磷呈现的变化趋势各异。

    As the depth of sediment in Dongping Lake increased , there were no obvious correlations among the different forms of phosphorus .

  14. 系统的建设及应用对于东平湖的区域经济和社会发展具有重要的意义。

    Development and application of this system would have produced important significance for regional economy and society development of the Dongping lake .

  15. 对防治污染水团的生成及提高东平湖的水质进行了探讨。

    A discussion on how to prevent the forming of polluted water mass and improve the water quality of Dong Ping Lake was also conducted .

  16. 现在东平湖的富营养化进程变缓,营养化状态比较稳定,但被破坏的生态系统要恢复到具有自我调节自我修复的系统还差很远。

    The state of eutrophication is comparatively stable . But the destroyed ecosystem to recover with self regulation and self repair system still needs a very long time .

  17. 本文主要是研究南水北调东线一期工程东平湖~济南段输水工程的水资源优化配置和实时调度问题。

    This paper mainly researches the optimization of allocation of water resources and real-time scheduling of of water resources of the water transportation project from southward to northward .

  18. 扩大东平湖水库老湖调蓄能力的途径

    Way of Expanding Storage Capacity of the Old Lake of the Dongping Lake