
  • 网络Osterlingi
  1. 儒商是指受儒家为代表的中国传统文化的影响,具有良好的文化道德素养和优秀的经营才能,其经营理念和行为方式体现出儒家文化特色的东方商人。

    Confucian businessmen refer to the oriental businessmen affected by traditional Chinese culture , especially by Confucianism , possessed of high moral accomplishment and armed with excellent managing abilities .

  2. 埃及马木路克王朝执行垄断香料贸易的政策,在西亚地区阻断了欧洲商人同东方商人的任何直接交往,形成红海难越、信息割断的态势。

    The reason Was that the monopoly policy of Mamluk Dynasty of Egypt prevented the European traders from any direct contact with their oriental counterparts , leaving the Red Sea impassable and messages intransitable .

  3. 满载香料和东方丝绸的阿拉伯商人队伍

    A caravan of Arab merchants laden with spices and Oriental silks