
  1. 第四章,东省特别行政区教育评价。

    Chapter III is the educational evaluation of Special Administrative Region of Eastern Province .

  2. 而具有特殊历史背景的东省特别行政区的教育是黑龙江近代教育发展的基础。

    And the Eastern special administrative region which has a special historical background is the basis for the development of modern education in Heilongjiang province .

  3. 第二,通过对史料的解读,深层次地分析东省特别行政区教育对黑龙江地区发展的影响。

    The great impact on Heilongjiang area of education development by Special Administrative Region of the Eastern Province through the interpretation of historical data ; 3 .

  4. 本文的创新之处:第一,对东省特别行政区各级各类教育进行系统、详尽的论述。

    The innovations of this paper : 1 . A detailed discussion on various types of education at all levels of the system in Special Administrative Region of the East Province ; 2 .