
  • 网络Dongbei;northeastern chinese cuisine
  1. 在其他地方也有美味,例如北京菜、东北菜、维吾尔菜以及湖北菜。

    There are also other delicious cuisines such as Beijing cuisine , Dongbei cuisine , Uygur cuisine and Hubei cuisine .

  2. 自此以后,湖南菜、丰盛的西北或东北菜也开始享受起了其在中国烹饪风尚中引人注目的时代。

    Since then , Hunanese food and the hearty cooking of the north-eastern or Dongbei region have also enjoyed their time in the limelight of Chinese culinary fashion .

  3. 这样好听的名字,在东北菜中少见。

    Such good names were rarely seen in Northeastern cuisines .

  4. 和很多年轻的女人一样,维塔斯的歌庚妈也非常喜欢。这个餐厅虽然不大,但却吸引了很多人一年四季都往北京跑,她们只想要吃到这些好吃的东北菜。

    Many of the young women who visit the restaurant frequently say Han Geng is no longer the only reason they go there-they also go for the delicious homemade food .

  5. 东北地区山野菜资源的经济价值

    The Economical Value and Exploitive Utilization of the Northeast Edible Wild Vegetables

  6. 东北地区山野菜含量丰富,且种类齐全。

    The content and range of potherb is rich in northeast area .

  7. 对几种东北地区山野菜的经济价值、用途、药用成分等方面进行了阐述,提出规范化种植及其意义。

    The paper discusses the economic value , use and medical composition of the wild vegetables in Northeast area , and puts forward standard planting .