
  • 网络Haian;Hai'an
  1. 海安县猪水肿病的流行病学调查

    Epidemiological investigation of edema disease of piglet in Hai'an County

  2. 海安县执行排污许可证制度经验初探

    Experiences of Carrying out Discharge Permit System of Hai'an County

  3. 海安县宏达铝业有限公司,建于1990年,并通过ISO9000国际质量体系资格认证。

    Haian county Hongda aluminum Corporation established in1990 and passed the ISO9000 International Quality System Qualification Certification .

  4. 今年5月,加勒比海安提瓜岛(Antigua)上罗斯伍德集团(Rosewood)旗下的JumbyBay度假村开始为度假情侣提供共度套餐,包括一位专业摄影师提供的两小时拍摄服务。

    In May , Jumby Bay , a Rosewood Resort in Antigua in the Caribbean began offering a ' Together Package ' for couples that includes a two-hour shoot with a professional photographer .

  5. 简单介绍了固定式局部水基灭火系统灭火原理及其优点、海安会及SOLAS公约的要求、检验要点及使用注意事项。

    The paper simply introduces the working principles and advantages of fixed local water-based firefighting system . It also describes the requirements stated by MSC and SOLAS , the inspection matters and matters to be noticed during usage .

  6. 海安新港透空式防波堤的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Permeable Breakwater of Hai ′ an New Port

  7. 海安新港建设透空式防波堤的必要性

    Necessity of Building Permeable Breakwater in Hai ′ an New Port

  8. 江苏省海安县生态旅游开发研究

    Study of Eco-tourism Exploitation in Hai ′ an County , Jiangsu Province

  9. 海安地区近1000年来的气候变化与洪灾

    Climatic changes and flood events since 1000 aBP in the Hai'an region

  10. 海安县生活饮用水与上消化道恶性肿瘤关系的研究

    Study on Relationship Between Drinking Water and Upper Digestive Tract Cancer in Hai'an County

  11. 海安的与全球化以及如何处理这些挑战的交易。

    The MSc deals with the challenge of globalization and ways to handle them .

  12. 在静寂的天空,一架直升飞机正朝肯尼迪家居住的海安尼斯港飞去。

    In the calm sky a helicopter steered toward Hyannis Port , where the Kennedys lived .

  13. 海安县恶性肿瘤死亡病例登记资料核查分析

    An Analysis of Cancer Registration for Death Cases Checked off in Hai'an County , Jiangsu Province

  14. 江苏中部典型农区耕地环境质量评价及应用研究&以海安县为例

    Environmental quality assessment of farmland in Central Jiangsu and its application ── a case study of Hai'an

  15. 阐述了海安县淮河流域水污染防治现状,分析防治过程中存在的主要问题,确定优先控制单元。

    It described measures adopted in pollution control and analysised existing problem and confirmed the first controlling cell .

  16. 海安地震台新场地的地电阻率广播干扰确定与排除

    Determination and elimination of the interference on resisitivity observation caused by countryside broadcast at Hai ′ an new geoelectric station

  17. 塔斗山:位于枫亭海安,2001年,山顶的“天中万寿塔”被列为国家级文物保护单位。

    Tadoumountain : locate at Haian Fengting town , Wanshou pagoda on the peak is a cultural relic listed at national level protection units in2001 .

  18. 地处茧丝绸之乡、禽蛋之乡、建筑之乡、鱼米之乡的海安县县城东郊。

    Hongda aluminum Corporation situated in the southern part of Haian county which was the cradle of silk , birds and eggs , construction and fishing .

  19. 总部位于西班牙,在生产电子及自动化设备领域居于比较领先的地位,目前正在为其在中国江苏省南通市海安县的工厂寻觅主管会计。

    Leading Spanish company in Electronics & Automation Appliances business is looking for an Chief Accountant to work for their new factory in Hai An ( Jiangsu province ) .

  20. 描述了海安方言连续变调中的“变上”现象,重点是两字组词的后字变读。

    A brief description of the tone sandhi ( tone mutation ) for disyllable words in Hat an dialect is offered with discussions made on that of trisyllable structures .

  21. 对海安新港透空式防波堤堤身波压力分布进行试验研究,并根据试验结果分析该结构在海安的可行性。

    The wave pressure distribution for permeable breakwater of Hai ′ an New Port is experimented and researched , and the feasibility of this structure applying in Hai ′ an is analyzed .

  22. 从满足港口使用要求的功能定位,适合项目实施的外部条件及施工方案的可行性等方面分析在海安新港建设桩基透空式防波堤的必要性。

    The necessity of building permeable breakwater on piled foundation in Hai ′ an New Port from such aspects as satisfying port operation requirement , external condition fit for project implementation , and feasibility of construction scheme is analyzed .

  23. 根据海安县里下河地区闸站的更新改造状况,结合工程结构的设计特点,提出在该类工程建设过程中相关施工工法的采用;

    By the condition of the renovated and rebuild water gate station which locates on Lixia River in Haian county , and combining the design characteristics on this project , this paper put forward the adoption of correlative constructing technique in such project .