
  • 网络great empire
  1. 随着时间的推移,罗马通过征服异邦而成了一个大帝国。

    In process of time , Rome became a great empire by conquest .

  2. 明代是从一个地方割据政权逐渐发展起来的一个大帝国。

    The Ming Dynasty gradually converted a Local Regime into a Great Empire .

  3. 葡萄牙和西班牙都曾是经历了兴衰的大帝国。

    Portugal and Spain had possessed vast empires that waxed and waned .

  4. 如今,这三大帝国被作为超国家体系的多国社团所取代,换言之,从古时起WTO的性质没有任何改变。

    Now instead of the Empires we have the Multinational Corporations a kind of Supranational system that rules the WTO , in other word nothing changed from the ancient age .

  5. 正如斯坦福大学(stanforduniversity)的沃尔特沙伊德尔(walterscheidel)在一篇精彩的文章中所指出的:“2000年前,整个物种中大概有一半处在两大帝国的控制之下:罗马帝国和汉帝国。”

    As Walter Scheidel of Stanford University notes in a fascinating essay : " two thousand years ago , perhaps half of the entire species had come under the control of just two powers , the Roman and Han empires . "

  6. 神那些大帝国会感到厌恶,却决不会厌恶那些小小的花朵。

    God grows weary of at kingdoms , but never of little flowers .

  7. 谁将代替你统治这个大帝国?

    Who will rule this great empire for you ?

  8. 他是大帝国的创立者。

    He is the builder of the great empire .

  9. 一定是恐惧大帝国或之类的。

    That must be the great emperor of fear or something like that .

  10. 其瓜分范围包括整个世界的欧洲诸大帝国。

    The European world empires which , between them , encompassed the earth .

  11. 亚历山大大帝统治着一个大帝国。

    Alexander the Great ruled over a large empire .

  12. 一些大帝国已崩溃衰落了。

    Some great empires have crumbled and fallen .

  13. 他还建立了幅员辽阔的元大帝国呢。

    He also founded the vast Yuan Empire .

  14. 我们要缔造一个大帝国。

    We will create a great empire .

  15. 墓碑长满了地衣,已在崩落。一些大帝国已崩溃衰落了。

    The tombstone was lichenous and crumbling . Some great empires have crumbled and fallen .

  16. 他统治一个大帝国。

    He reigns over a great empire .

  17. 这个大帝国开始衰落了。

    The great empire began to crumble .

  18. 从公元前6世纪末到公元1世纪,罗马已由一个共和制的城邦国家发展成为号令意大利半岛、称霸地中海世界的奴隶制大帝国。

    Rome had become the rule of Italy and Mediterranean world by the end of the Republic .

  19. 蒙古人曾于13世纪建立过横跨欧亚的大帝国。

    Mongolians founded a great empire across the continents of Europe and Asia during the 13th century .

  20. 中国与罗马是古代世界雄踞东西方的两大帝国和类型不同的两大文明中心。

    China and Rome were two great ancient empires and civilization centers of different types in the world .

  21. 公元前三世纪是孔雀王朝,印度第一个大帝国形成的时期。

    The3rd century BC was the period of the Mauryan empire , the first great empire of India .

  22. 【蒙古人以前很强大,曾经建立过横跨欧、亚、非三洲的大帝国。】

    Mongolian people were very strong , and once built a great empire across Europe , Asia , and Africa .

  23. 这些故事给我们讲述了未来宇宙中的一大帝国的瓦解与复兴。

    These stories tell us about the collapse and rebirth of a vast empire in a universe of the future .

  24. 俄罗斯大帝国在很多方面至今仍和封建时代的欧洲没有多大不同。

    The great empire of Russia is even now , in many respects , the scarcely modified image of feudal Europe .

  25. 当罗马还是大帝国的中心时,位于卡地斯省的安达鲁西亚便以美丽的女舞者而闻名。

    When Rome was the center of a vast empire , the Andalusian city of Cadiz was known as a city with pretty dancing girls .

  26. 然而,神秘的阴阳相吸,继续将这两大帝国拉向彼此,维持着一种持久而又极不平等的关系。

    Yet the mysterious attraction of Yang and Yin continued to draw the two continental empires towards each other in an enduring , if bitterly unequal relationship .

  27. 亚历山大死后,他手下将领,经过漫长的战争与混乱,最终将他的王国分裂为四大帝国。

    After much confusion and fighting among his major generals , after his death , Alexander 's kingdom ended up being divided up into four major empires .

  28. 美国的崛起以及欧洲在精神上和物质上的崩溃,结出的最重要成果之一就是大帝国的终结。

    One of the most important fruits of the rise of the US and the moral and material collapse of Europe was the end of the great empires .

  29. 教育的直接意义是人&教育的实践意蕴往后的时间,就不得不变成英法和德意两大帝国主义集团直接冲突的局面。

    From now on the situation will inevitably develop into one of direct conflict between the two big imperialist blocs , the Anglo-French bloc and the German-Italian bloc .

  30. 古罗马王政时期到共和国中期农业的发展推动了整个罗马早中期社会经济的发展,这为罗马成为一个地跨亚、非、欧的大帝国打下了坚实的基础。

    In the period of Kings of Rome and Roman Republic , the development of agriculture made progress in social economy . This was the foundation for Roman Empire .