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  • 网络dashilan;dashanlan;Dashila
  1. 在大栅栏某个露天场地,一块开放式的画布,一场公开的演绎。

    An open canvas , for open interpretation , in an open space in Dashilar .

  2. 几乎所有的人都知道大栅栏这个勾起老北京买卖人心酸回忆的地方。

    Almost all the people know the great Palisade that reminds the peking businessmen of the heart-rending past .

  3. 一个隐藏在某个屋顶上作品,位于北京国际设计周的主场&大栅栏。

    A hidden message awaits on a rooftop , nestled in the epicenter of Beijing Design Week in Dashilar .

  4. 金国民从1981年开始就在北京大栅栏街道的西河沿胡同经营着一家清真餐馆。

    Jin Guomin has been running a Halal restaurant in the Xi He Yan Hutong in Beijing 's Dashilanr sub-district since 1981 .

  5. 大栅栏街道主任苏浩说,通过智囊团的支持,西河沿胡同已经成功的翻新了停车场以及防火装置。

    According to the director of Dashilanr sub-district office Su Hao , under the support of the think tank , the Xi He Yan Hutong has achieved success in renovating its parking and fire protection systems .

  6. 大栅栏是北京最古老的区域之一,它的改造模式与众不同,建筑师和设计师们主导着更具可持续性的改造过程,努力保持社区的质感。

    The Dashilar neighborhood , one of the oldest in Beijing , is following a different path , with architects and designers leading a more sustainable gentrification process to try to retain the fabric of the community .

  7. 在功率测量领域,现有的频域分解、识别方法比较单一,主要以FFT为基础,应用中存在泄漏误差大、栅栏效应、实时性不强等问题。

    In the power measurement field , existing frequency-domain decomposition and recognition method are few , and most based on FFT . Large leakage error 、 grid effect and real time unforcement happened in the application .

  8. 酸枣叶片小,角质层厚,下表皮气孔密度大,栅栏组织发达,海绵组织退化。

    Zizyphus jujuba Mill has small leaves , thick cuticle , dense stomas in lower epidermis , fully developed palisade tissue and degenerate spongy tissue . All .

  9. 其中,气孔密度大、栅栏组织较厚、叶片组织紧密度大、疏松度小、栅栏组织与海绵组织厚度比较高、上表皮细胞较小者抗旱性较强。

    Cultivars were drought resistant with histological features such as high stoma density thick stockade tissue , high CTR , low SR , high stockade tissue thickness / sponge tissue thickness and small size of upper epidermis cell in leaves .

  10. 在俄罗斯边疆的辽阔森林中,狼群横行,那里有一间细小的农舍,被大而高的栅栏围着。

    On the edge of the vast forests of Russia , where wolves still roam , lies a little cottage surrounded by a big , high fence .