
  1. 这本书是记者在西单书市闲逛时找到的。

    The reporter finds this book when Xidan book market strolls .

  2. 用ANDERSEN生物粒子采样器在北京西单对大气细菌和真菌粒子的浓度、浓度分布、粒度分布及二者之间的关系进行了一年(1987-11-03~1988-08-01)的观测和研究。

    The concentration , concentration distribution and particle size distribution of the bacterial and fungus particle and their relationship was observed for one year ( 1987-11-03 ~ 1988-08-01 ) by Anderson viable sampler .

  3. 去年他们从西单搬到西郊。

    They removed from Xidan to the western suburbs last year .

  4. 那么我们就在西单地铁站见面好吗?

    Shall we meet at Xidan underground station , then ?

  5. 丹尼尔:到西单站还有几站?

    Daniel : How many ss are there to the Xidan station ?

  6. 我们下星期六到西单好吗?

    Next saturday , shall we go to xidan ?

  7. 网民也把她称作“西单女孩”。

    Netizens named her the " Xidan girl . "

  8. 本杰明:你好,请问一下这车到西单图书大厦吗?

    Benjamin : Excuse me ? Does this bus go to Xidan Book Building ?

  9. 这是不是去西单的汽车?

    Is this the right bus to xidan ?

  10. 丽丽:您去西单的时候,路过府右街。

    Lili : On your way to Xidan , you 'll pass by Fuyoujie .

  11. 我昨天在西单买的。

    I bought it in Xidan yesterday .

  12. 你是说西单图书大厦吧?

    You mean the Xidan Book Center ?

  13. 下一站是西单。

    The next stop is xidan .

  14. 本文简要介绍了在北京西单地区停车行为调查及其结果。

    In this paper , a parking behavior survey in Xidan area of Beijing is introduced .

  15. 西单图书大厦是北京最大的书店,节假日和寒暑假期间是学生的乐园。

    During holidays and summer and winter vacations it becomes a paradise for students of all ages .

  16. 我们出地铁后需要再坐公交车去西单图书大厦吗?

    Do we need to take buses to the Xidan bookstore after we get off the subway ?

  17. 请问,你能告诉我从西单到地坛公园有多远吗?

    Excuse me , can you tell me how far it is from Xidan to Ditan park ?

  18. 不好意思,先生,请问您能告诉我去西单书店怎么走?

    Excuse me , sir , could you please tell me the way to the Xidan Bookstore ?

  19. 任月丽曾经是北京西单地下通道的街头歌手。

    Ren Yueli was once a street singer in an underground passage in Xidan , in downtown Beijing .

  20. 你可以在公主坟站转乘4路汽车,然后很快就可以到西单了。

    You can transfer the No.4 bus at Gongzhufen stop , and then you can get Xidan very soon .

  21. 本工作用平皿沉降法在北京市西单观测了大气细菌粒子的沉降量。

    The precipitation of atmospheric bacterial particles were investigated with gravity plate method at Xidan district in Beijing downtown .

  22. 本文介绍北京地铁西单车站一号施工横通道,与正洞导坑交接处开口段结构静载模型试验情况。

    This paper deals with a structure model test under static load to study the stress characteristics of the structure .

  23. 笔者结合北京西单立体交通工程,采用层次分析理论,探讨和分析施工过程的安全风险,定义施工中涉及的六大类主要安全风险;

    By AHP ( Analysis Hierarchy Process ) the risk is analyzed to confirm the 6 main kinds of risks .

  24. 一天,麦克要去西单,一位热心的北京姑娘正在给他指路。

    One day , Mike wants to go to Xidan and a warmhearted Beijing girl is telling him the way .

  25. 北京地铁西单车站是我国首次在繁华闹市区主干道下修建的大跨度地铁工程。

    Xidan Station of Beijing Subway is a large-span subway project first built under the main trunk road in downtown area in China .

  26. 以山东省淄博西单村为例,对农村庭院生态系统结构多样性和系统功能进行了研究。

    This paper analyzed function and structural diversity of typical rural yard ecosystem , taking Xishan Village , Shandong Province as an example .

  27. 例如去年“西单墙”的许多东西,能叫它生动活泼?

    For instance , could some of the posters that appeared on the " xidan wall " last year be considered a contribution to liveliness ?

  28. 这个园林是为公众设计的,是一个广场,大家要去西单买东西,可以从这里面穿过。

    This garden is designed for the public , is a square , we want Xidan to buy things , they can pass through this .

  29. 我国已成功地用浅埋暗挖法修建了西单三拱两层双柱式地铁车站。

    The metro station of " triple-arch , double-storey and double-pillar " has been built in our country by means of shallow buried subterranean excavation method .

  30. 当果仁小吃和果汁饮料被送过来时,很快我就意识到凯西单靠自己吃不了。

    When the snack of nuts and juice arrived , it did not take me long to realize that Kathy would not be able to feed herself .