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lǎo bànr
  • Old Companion;husband or wife
老伴儿[lǎo bànr]
  1. 没错,可我又不是世界和平使者,我是你妈的老伴儿。

    Yeah , but I 'm not world peace , I 'm her husband .

  2. 老伴儿也退休了。

    My old man is also retired .

  3. 《华盛顿邮报》说,鲍威尔暗示辞职的主要原因是“想多陪老伴儿”。

    The Post said Powell indicated a commitment made to his wife was a key factor .

  4. 不久前,已有20名孙辈和40名曾孙辈的伊萨主动和当地媒体《马来西亚使者报》联系,希望通过该报找到一位“老伴儿”来陪伴并照顾他。

    Ahmad Mohamad Isa , who has20 grandchildren and40 great-grandchildren , told Malay-language newspaper Utusan Malaysia earlier this week that he wanted company and a wife to take care of him .

  5. 他告诉我,时常在月夜,他同老伴儿并肩坐在这长凳上,追忆起当年在北海泛舟的日子。

    He also told me that on a moonlit night he and his wife would sit side by side on the bench recalling how they had used to go boating on the Beihai Lake .