
  • 网络Give You My Heart
  1. 我正在忘记昨天!我不能把心给你,原谅我!阿里扎!·让我们跟昨天说再见,期待你明天会回来。

    I am forgetting yesterday . I can not give you my heart , forgive me , ariza ! Let us say goodbye to yesterday , I believe tomorrow you will come back .

  2. 亲爱的,我无法现在就把心掏给你。

    I just cant give you my heart right now dear .

  3. “谁会把心交给你,不惜放弃他的灵魂”

    " Who will give you his heart , give up his soul "

  4. 这款礼物的寓意:就是让我把心交给你。

    This gift implied meaning : Be to let me give the heart to you .

  5. 不要认为她收到你礼物后会把心交给你或很爱慕你。

    Don 't think that her heart and affection will be yours upon receiving the gift .

  6. 一旦女人把心给了你&你就再也摆脱不了她身体的其余部分了。

    Once a woman has given you her heart & you can never get rid of the rest of her body .

  7. 抱紧我,永不放手,想你如斯。我愿意把心掏给你。

    Holding me tight , and never letting me depart , I want you so bad , I gave you my whole heart .

  8. 现在,亲爱的主,父神,我们感谢你,因你是喜爱赐福的神,我们把心打开给你。

    And now , Lord father , I thank you that you are the one who loves to bless , and I now open my heart to you .

  9. 把心交给你的时候,我就失去了一半,我的快乐为你,悲伤为你,直到心力憔悴,一切还是为你。

    Give your heart to you , I have lost half , I happiness for you , sorrow for you , until the mental tired , everything is for you .

  10. 我会把整个心都给你。

    I 'll give my heart to you .

  11. 要不要我把心掏出来给你看看啊?

    Should I show you my heart ?

  12. 我能把心和灵魂交给你吗?

    Shouid I pack my heart and souI to you ?

  13. 因为去年的圣诞节我把我的心给了你。

    Cause last Christmas I gave you my heart .

  14. 最亲爱的朋友,宽恕我吧,我把整个心都掏给你了。

    forgive me , dearest friend ! I pour out my whole soul to you .

  15. 你需要冒险把自己的心给那些你觉得可以信任的东西。

    You are here to risk your heart by putting it into something you believe in .

  16. 我向你求婚,我把我的心交给你,还把我所有的财产奉献给你一份。

    I offer you my hand , my heart , and a share of all my possessions .