
pínɡ dǐ xié
  • flat shoes;low cutter
  1. 加上一条腰带再来一双平底鞋,你的LOOK就无懈可击了。

    If you add a belt and a pair of flat shoes , your look will be impeccable .

  2. 据《银幕日报》报道,上周二(5月19日),数名女性在去参加托德•海因斯(ToddHaynes)执导的《卡罗尔》(Carol)首映红毯时,因穿着装饰有莱茵石的平底鞋,而被工作人员以不符合规定为由拒之门外。

    On Tuesday trade magazine Screen reported that a group of women had been denied access to a screening of Todd Haynes ' Carol because their footwear - flat shoes with rhinestones - was unsuitable for the red carpet .

  3. 研究人员发现近期消费者的消费习惯反应了当前的鞋跟指数,平底鞋的销量比上年增加了25%,说明消费者目前的状态是保守且低调的。

    Recently , researchers have seen this reflected in customers shopping habits with flat shoe sales up 25 percent year on year , suggesting that the current mood is stoic and conservative . ( Source : dailymail . co.uk )

  4. 你不会瞎聊、不会感情用事、行事高效,是团队的领袖,也许比起鲁布托(Louboutin)的血红底细高跟鞋,你会更喜欢托里・伯奇(ToryBurch)的平底鞋。

    No-nonsense , unsentimental , and efficient , you are the leader of the pack , and probably prefer Tory Burch flats to Louboutin blood-red-heeled stillettos .

  5. 第一次见面Alex穿着牛仔裤和宽松上衣走进来,她一下子栽进我办公室的沙发上,踢掉脚上的平底鞋,跟我说她想谈谈男生的问题。

    Now Alex walked into her first session wearing jeans and a big slouchy top , and she dropped onto the couch in my office and kicked off her flats and told me she was there to talk about guy problems .

  6. 被誉为“2011年度鞋品”的flatforms(暂译为“厚平底鞋”)是时尚达人们新近添置的最新鞋品。

    Dubbed'the shoe of2011 ' , flatforms are a striking new addition to the footwear repertoire of the fashion-conscious .

  7. 尽管巴黎出生的鞋履设计师罗杰•维威耶(RogerVivier)或许可誉为细高跟鞋的设计鼻祖,他1954年推出的这款平底鞋奠定了其同名时尚品牌大获成功的基石。

    And while Paris-born shoe designer Roger Vivier may have been credited with inventing the stiletto in 1954 , it is a flat on which the fortunes of the house now rest .

  8. “随着旅行及步行渐趋风靡,平底鞋的销售量以及消费者的热度与日俱增,”鞋履设计师尼古拉斯•柯克伍德(NicholasKirkwood)说,而后又补充道:“尽管如此,女性仍痴迷于妙趣横生与不同寻常的鞋履款式。”

    Even in Milan . " With the amount of travelling and running around that goes on , there 's been an increase in sales and interest for our flats " says shoes designer Nicholas Kirkwood , before adding : " Women still want something interesting and unique , though . "

  9. 但穿平底鞋的话还是有点麻烦。

    Although , the saddle shoes make it kind of difficult .

  10. 鞋柜中添加一双芭蕾平底鞋。

    Add a pair of ballet flats to your shoe wardrobe .

  11. 我极其讨厌平底鞋,穿上它们简直不能走路。

    I beyond hate ballerina flats-I can 't even walk in them .

  12. 平底鞋约占本人系列的15%,他说。

    Flats are about 15 per cent of my collection , he says .

  13. 我早该想到应该穿平底鞋的

    I should have thought ahead and worn flats .

  14. 去把我的平底鞋拿来,把这双高根鞋跟我们的东西放一起。

    Get me my rubbers , and put these slippers with our things .

  15. 穿时髦的平底鞋要好得多。

    It 's far better to wear smart flats .

  16. 女士们:可以考虑穿平底鞋。

    Ladies , might want to wear flats .

  17. 呀,我真笨,差点儿把给爸爸买平底鞋的事忘了。

    Oh , dumb ! I almost forgot about my Daddy 's flat shoes .

  18. 再搭配校园风格的平底鞋和可爱的紧身上衣,他们都是眼下时髦的尖货。

    With preppy flats and a cute blouse , they 're a fresh DO .

  19. 我们去那里买一套衣服和一双平底鞋吧。

    Let 's go and buy a dress and a pair of flat shoes .

  20. 满手沾尿就是你不穿平底鞋的报应。

    And pee hand is what you get for refusing to wear flat shoes .

  21. 如果穿平底鞋或非常高的高跟鞋,调整一下自行车座。

    Adjust your bike 's seat if you 're wearing platforms or very high heels .

  22. 随时携带平底鞋或运动鞋。当双脚难以忍受的时候还是把高跟鞋换下来吧。

    Keep ballet flats or sneakers handy for when your feet are begging for mercy .

  23. 膝盖弯曲的幅度不要超过穿平底鞋的时候。

    Don 't bend your knees any more than you would do in flat shoes .

  24. 与高跟凉鞋不同,平底鞋在保持你的时尚品味的同时还穿着舒适。

    Unlike most high-heeled sandals , flats look chic while still being comfortable to wear .

  25. 凉鞋或平底鞋,穿比较宽松的针织外衣,打造比较无忧无虑的形象。

    Pair sandals and flats , wearing loose-fitting jersey racer-back tops for a carefree appeal .

  26. 她希望穿着平底鞋,吃着零食,然后和密友们聊聊天。

    She wants to wear flat shoes , have some snacks and chat with close friends .

  27. 平底鞋、木底鞋和轻便鞋已不再是热点。

    Flat bottom shoe , wooden bottom shoe and light slippers already were heat no longer .

  28. 穿平底鞋永远不会不体面。

    Flats should never be shameful .

  29. 查某囡仔嘛应该抹银色眼影参跤踢平底鞋,杂志建议。

    Girls should also add silver eye shadow and step into platform shoes , the magazines advise .

  30. 罗杰:好了。我们到皮鞋部给你买双平底鞋吧。

    Roger : yes , let 's go to the shoe department to get your flat shoes .