
  • 网络Running;Jogging;jogging shoes;Nike
  1. 爸爸买了一双慢跑鞋给我。

    Father bought a pair of jogging shoes for me .

  2. 慢跑鞋功能测评方法的探讨性研究

    Primary Research on Methods of Testing and Evaluating Jogging Shoes

  3. 论慢跑鞋设计的解剖学和生物力学依据

    Anatomy and Biomechanics Basis of Jogging Shoes ' Design

  4. 几种慢跑鞋足底压强分析及舒适性能比较

    Research on the comfortability of different jogging shoes

  5. 他问哼哼:“我们的运动衣和慢跑鞋放到哪里去了?”

    He asked Hem ," Where did we put out jogging suits and running shoes ?"

  6. 慢跑鞋的足底压强分析与功能评价

    Initial development of evaluating jogging shoes

  7. 突起部分的作用很像汽车轮胎的胎纹,或是我们慢跑鞋的橡胶鞋底。

    The raised areas function somewhat like the tread of car tires or the rubber soles of our running shoes .

  8. 本机适合于平底鞋、网球鞋、慢跑鞋及其它包边包头鞋的鞋底压合工序。

    The machine is mainly suitable for the pressing work of the shoes macro sole like tennis and jogging shoes or other shoes .

  9. 每天早上,他们会各自穿上运动服和慢跑鞋,离开他们的小房子,跑进迷宫寻找他们各自钟爱的奶酪。

    Every morning , they each put on their jogging suits and running shoes , left their little homes , and raced out into the Maze looking for their favorite cheese .

  10. 吉安比说医生要他尽量穿著慢跑鞋,但他在比赛中还是会穿上钉鞋,只在打击练习时换上较舒适的鞋子。

    Giambi said he has been advised to wear sneakers as much as possible , and though he will wear cleats during the game , he took batting practice in more comfortable footwear .

  11. 他们穿慢跑鞋或廉价塑胶拖鞋,有时会用布包住头脸,只露出一双眼睛。

    They had jogging shoes or cheap plastic sandals on their feet , and sometimes stockings over their heads with holes for their eyes , and they blew their noses dirtily into the ends of their turbans .

  12. 衣著方面,我们带几件攀登短衣,一些攀登裤子、羊毛袜、慢跑鞋、T恤、排泄袋、狗铁丝夹克、头灯、太阳眼镜。

    For clothes , we took a pair of climbing shorts , a pair of climbing pants , extra wool socks , running shoes , T-shirt , synthetic long john top , gore-tex jacket , head lamp , and sun glasses .

  13. 是训练鞋?跟我们普通慢跑的鞋有啥区别?

    This extremely lightweight and responsive training shoe is built for the runner with a neutral gait .