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  • slow motion
  1. 借助于慢镜头的回放,可以很容易地看清楚这个过程。

    This can be seen easily with the benefit of slow motion video playback .

  2. 这个视频是他们一系列的慢镜头动作影片之一,他们一共制作了有61个视频,全部放在了Youtube视频网站上。

    The video is part of a series of slow-motion videos , 61 in total , posted by the pair on their YouTube video .

  3. 最后利用镜头中所包含的所有帧的分类投票结果来决定镜头的类型;(2)为了准确的检测重放慢镜头,提出了一种基于重放Logo和镜头上下文的重放镜头检测方法。

    And finally , the final shot type is voted by views contained in the shot . ( 2 ) In order to automatic detect the replay scene accurately , a replay-logo and shot context based approach is proposed .

  4. 一种压缩域中的体育视频慢镜头探测方法

    Method for Slow-motion Replay Detection on Compressed Domain in Sports Video

  5. 这部影片的有些部分用慢镜头重映。

    Parts of the film were shown again in slow motion .

  6. 下面用慢镜头再看一遍。

    So let 's look at this again in slow motion .

  7. 影片的部分镜头以慢镜头又放了一遍。

    Parts of the movie were shown again in slow .

  8. 我们正在用慢镜头把这些细微的变化记录下来。

    We 're using slow-motion to record these subtle changes .

  9. 你们同不同意她最好以慢镜头移动

    Does anyone else feel she should be moving in slow motion ?

  10. 他们慢镜头重放了射门动作。

    They showed an action replay of the goal .

  11. 设计并实现了体育视频内容分析与摘要系统中的慢镜头探测子系统。

    It has designed and implemented a sub-system for detection of slow-motion replay .

  12. 他们用慢镜头重放了那个进球。

    They showed the goal again in slow motion .

  13. 我们观看了芭蕾舞演员单足旋转的慢镜头电影。

    We watched a slow motion film of a ballet dancer doing pirouettes .

  14. 但这似乎不太可能。欧元区外围国家和西班牙危机就像是一场慢镜头中的火车相撞事故。

    The eurozone periphery and Spanish crisis look like a slow motion train wreck .

  15. 他们将射门动作用慢镜头放映。

    They showed the goal in slow motion .

  16. 慢镜头显示他仅仅轻微碰到碧咸。

    Slow-motion images revealed he barely touched beckham .

  17. 就好像是某种慢镜头下的爆炸

    It 's almost like a , sort of , a slow motion explosion .

  18. 有什么办法可以阻止这种慢镜头式的灾难吗?

    Can anything be done to prevent this slow-motion disaster ? Quite possibly , it can .

  19. 一个长长的慢镜头。

    It is such long slow-motion .

  20. 事实上,他们只是享受与在慢镜头中看东西爆炸的样子。

    Instead they seem to enjoy nothing more than watching everyday objects explode in super slow motion .

  21. 在影片中,子弹飞行和雪花飞舞的慢镜头都给观众带来身临其境之感。

    In this movie , the slow motion flying bullets and snowflakes all create an immersive experience for the audience .

  22. 他使用一种胶片相机捕捉慢镜头动作,这时候虎鲸恰巧赶来。

    He uses a film camera to capture the action in slow motion . And the orcas come right by .

  23. 观察到精彩事件之后会出现重放的慢镜头,我们提出了一种基于重放的精彩事件检测方法。

    Given the observation that highlights are often followed with slow-motion replay segments , we propose a replay-based method for highlight extraction .

  24. 如果你仔细审视希腊债务危机就像用慢镜头观看火车相撞事故那样你不禁会问:欧洲的团结到底出现了什么问题?

    Watching the slow-motion train crash that is the Greek debt crisis invites the question as to whatever happened to European solidarity .

  25. 事实上,欧元区目前以慢镜头方式上演的灾难,比其他任何事件都更清晰地体现出这些曾经呼风唤雨的巨头所扮演的实力有限的新角色。

    Indeed , no episode illustrates more clearly the newly limited role of these once-mighty giants than the slow-motion disaster that is the eurozone .

  26. 慢镜头中的世界总会显得更加精彩,即使是最无聊的事也可能变得像是动作片的精彩镜头。

    Reality always look better in slow motion . Even the most humdrum events can seem like the most dramatic moment of an action film .

  27. 精采的射门镜头常常用慢镜头重映。光投射到望远镜的镜头时也会折射的。

    The wonderful shots of goals are usually shown again in slow motion . Light also bends when it reaches the lens of a telescope .

  28. 相反,全球股市在油面上打滑了石油也许是昨日股市恢复慢镜头崩盘的关键催化剂。

    Instead , world stocks slipped on an oil slick and oil may be the key catalyst for the slow-motion crash in equities that resumed yesterday .

  29. 布洛克说,每当有球员陷进坑里时,泥浆足球比赛就好比慢镜头电影。

    Playing ball in the swamp is like a slow-motion movie coming to a halt every time a player sinks in a hole , she said .

  30. 随着银行体系局部出现了被一些分析师比作“慢镜头挤兑”的困难迹象,这些讨论的紧迫性增强了。

    The discussions have gained urgency amid signs of stress in parts of the banking system that some analysts have likened to a slow motion bank run .