
  • 网络central city;center city
  1. 2集之后,Barry回到了中心城,并陷入了一场混有奇怪化学物质和闪电的等离子爆炸中。

    Barry returned home to Central City after two episodes , only to get caught up in a plasma explosion mixed with some odd chemistry and lightning .

  2. 卫星城与中心城间客流特性分析与供给对策

    Analysis on Passenger Flow Characteristis and Supply Strategy between Satellite Town and Central City

  3. 上海中心城土地利用结构区划研究

    A Study on the Regionalization of Landuse Structure in Shanghai Proper

  4. 中心城生态园区建设规划研究&以上海市卢湾区为例

    The plan of the Core city 's Biological Zone Construction

  5. 中心城与周边卫星城旅游经济发展及互动研究

    Research on Tourism Economic Development and Interactivity of Central City and Satellite City

  6. 北京中心城控制性详细规划

    Regulatory plan for the central city of Beijing

  7. 中心城&卫星城间交通发展对城市空间扩展影响模型

    Influence model of transportation between central city and satellite city to urban spatial expansion

  8. 中心城是在伦敦城内可以容纳2000人的临时性两层建筑。

    City Central is a2000-person capacity temporary two-tier structure in the city of london .

  9. 北京中心城重点地区地下空间开发利用研究

    Discussion on Development and Utilization of Underground Space in Key Areas in Beijing Town Center

  10. 北京中心城控规动态维护的实践与探索

    Practices and Thoughts on dynamic maintenance of regulatory detailed plan of central city of Beijing

  11. 坐红眼航班去中心城

    That red eye to Central City .

  12. 北京轨道交通房山线与中心城线网衔接方案研究

    Linking up Mode of Beijing Rail Transit Fangshan Line with the Network of Central District

  13. 而现阶段对于中心城和周边地区旅游经济发展的研究成果也多数集中在定性分析上,定量分析的严重缺失使有关问题的分析更趋向于主观化、片面化。

    At present , most of researches focus on qualitative analysis and lack of quantitative analysis .

  14. 上海中心城公交专用道的规划、设计与建设

    Plan , Design and Construction of Exclusive Ways for Public Transport in Central District of Shanghai

  15. 论上海中心城旧住区更新的调谐机制

    The Research of Regulative Mechanism of Renewal of Old Settlements in the Inner City of Shanghai

  16. 北京将建设新城作为疏解中心城职能和人口压力的重要战略。

    The new towns construction is an important strategy of extracting Beijing s function and population .

  17. 与中心城其他周边地区相比,卫星城无疑更具有代表性。

    And compare with other suburbs of central city , satellite city is undoubtedly considered as representation .

  18. 保山中等专业学校新校区图书馆位于保山中心城青阳组团片区的学校新校区内。

    Baoshan specialized secondary schools located in Baoshan new library group Qingyang City Center Area School new campus .

  19. 北京中心城中心地区地下空间开发利用规划(2004~2020年)

    Underground space development and utilization plan for the core area of the central city of Beijing ( 2004-2020 )

  20. 最后,借鉴国外发达城市中心城人口和功能疏解的成功经验对北京市中心城人口与功能疏解提出一些建议。

    Finally , use the successful experiences of foreign developed citys for reference to give some suggestions to Beijing .

  21. 第二,特大城市的框架&一核双星,突出了中心城的发展,也为无锡远期城市扩展预留了空间。

    Secondly , the framework of megacity-one core and double stars emphasizes the downtown development and also directs the spatial expansion .

  22. 这听上去有点像一个曼哈顿白日梦。要知道,没有交通堵塞的情况下,15分钟内也只能从中心城赶到14街。

    That sounds like a pipe dream in Manhattan , where 15 minutes may get you from Midtown to 14th Street without traffic .

  23. 龙城已发展成为龙岗区集商贸、高新科技、旅游观光和外向型工业为一体的新兴的现代化中心城。

    Lung Shing-Longgang District has developed into commerce , high technology , tourism and export-oriented industries as one of the emerging modern city centre .

  24. 北京市丰台区的河西地区,位于北京市的西南部,紧邻中心城。

    Hexi Region is located in southwest of Beijing , in Fengtai District , closely near by the " centre town " of Beijing .

  25. 城市规划过程中的公众参与办法是今年上海推进中心城控制性详细规划编制工作的主要课题之一。

    Public participation in city planning is a major topic for the promotion of controlled detailed planning of the central areas of Shanghai City in2006 .

  26. 特大城市是继续增大,还是在中心城以外更大区域内分散建造许多居民区,这取决于众多不同的因素。

    Whether megacities continue to grow or to decentralize away from the dominant city into larger regional urban groupings , depends on many and varied factors .

  27. 并且因为卫星城在经济、政治抑或是社会联系方面与中心城的紧密关系,使其在发展旅游活动过程中占有极大的优势。

    So satellite city always takes the lead in tourism activities because of the tight connection with the central city in economy , politics and society .

  28. 其次,对中心城人口和功能疏解的动力进行深入研究,并针对北京市的实际情况着重进行分析。

    Secondly , research the power of population and functional dispersal in central area of Beijing , and make an in-depth study of the actual situation of Beijing .

  29. 刚战胜奥斯曼帝国,西班牙就派帕尔马公爵围攻已然成为荷兰分裂派中心城的安特卫普。

    Fresh off a victory against the Ottomans , Spain sent the Duke of Parma to lay siege to Antwerp , which had become the hub of Dutch separatists .

  30. 都市区的发展既是中心城与郊区相互联系的结果,又对城郊合作提出了新的要求。

    The development of a metropolis is the result of interaction between central city and its suburban areas , which arises new demands to the cooperation between the two parts .