
màn xìnɡ huó dònɡ xìnɡ ɡān yán
  • Chronic active hepatitis;CAH;chronic aggressive active hepatitis
  1. 慢性活动性肝炎和肝硬化患者以OKT3+细胞为主,而慢性迁延性肝炎时OKT3+细胞相对较少,本研究提示;

    In CAH and cirrhosis , OKT3 + cell dominated , while in CPH , these cells were relatively scanty .

  2. 血清透明质酸可作为慢性活动性肝炎和早期肝硬化的预测指标。

    The serum hyaluronic acid can be used as a predictive indicator to diagnose CAH and early liver cirrhosis .

  3. 前列腺E1对重型慢性活动性肝炎血浆脂质过氧化物水平的影响

    Effects of Prostaglandin E_1 on Plasma Lipid Peroxides Level in Patients with Severe Chronic Active Viral Hepatitis

  4. 慢性活动性肝炎、肝硬化患者HBV与HCV的合并感染及其意义

    Co-Infection of HBV and HCV in Chronic Active Hepatitis and Liven Cirrhosis Patients

  5. 血清HBsAg阴性和HBsAg阳性慢性活动性肝炎患者肝内HBVdna的研究

    A study on HBV DNA in patients with serum HBsAg-negative and positive chronic active hepatitis

  6. 慢性活动性肝炎并HBV相关性肾炎发病率高,用激素及干扰素配合治疗效果好。

    There is a high incidence of HBV associated GN among patients with chronic active hepatitis .

  7. 放免法检测乙型慢性活动性肝炎病人红细胞C(3b)受体的研究

    Research on C3b Receptors on Erythrocytes from Patients wit Type B Chronic Active Hepatitis

  8. 慢性活动性肝炎17例、肝硬化21例和健康志愿者20例外周血均未检测到AFPmRNA的表达。

    AFP mRNA was not detected in 17 chronic hepatitis , 21 cirrhosis and 20 normal healthy volunteers .

  9. 乙型慢性活动性肝炎的血清HBV-DNA动态变化与临床转归

    A Study on the Prognostic Significance of Serum HBV-DNA Changes in Chronic Active Hepatitis B

  10. 乙型慢性活动性肝炎血清微量元素与肝功和HBeAg关系的研究

    Study on the relationship between trace elements and liver function , HBeAg in patients with chronic active hepatitis B

  11. 方法;采用realtimeRT-PCR技术,定量检测肝细胞癌56例、慢性活动性肝炎17例、肝硬化21例和健康志愿者20例外周血AFPmRNA的表达水平。

    Methods : Real time RT-PCR was used to detect AFP mRNA expression in peripheral blood from 56 patients with HCC , 17 with chronic hepatitis , 21 with cirrhosis and 20 normal healthy volunteers .

  12. 方法:56例慢性活动性肝炎(CAH)患者分为治疗组和对照组,治疗组患者接受干扰素抗病毒治疗,对照组仅做一般护肝治疗,然后测定Pre-S1相对滴度和HBVDN含量进行分析。

    Methods : 56 chronic active hepatitis patients divide to therapy group and control group .

  13. 以放射免疫法测定了14例慢性活动性肝炎(CAH)和6例肝硬化(Cir)患者的血清Ⅲ型前胶原肽(PⅢP)水平。

    The levels of serum P ⅲ P were measured in 14 patients with chronic active hepatitis ( CAH ) and 6 patients with liver cirrhosis ( Cir ) .

  14. 慢性活动性肝炎、慢性迁延性肝炎、重症肝炎IIPC均显著降低(P<0.001);

    All the chronic active hepatitis ( CAH ), chronic persistent hepatitis ( CPH ) and severe hepatitis ( SH ) were markedly decreased ( P 0 . 001 );

  15. 本文对7例小儿慢性活动性肝炎(CAH)治疗前后2次肝穿刺标本作了光镜和电镜的对比观察。

    Liver puncture biopsies of 7 cases of chronic active hepatitis ( CAH ) of children were examined by light and electron-microscopy .

  16. 结果表明血清中CG含量是肝功能受损的特异性指标,其灵敏度明显高于各单项常规肝功能检查,对慢性活动性肝炎与迁延性肝炎的鉴别诊断也有一定价值。

    The results expressed that serum CG content is a high specificity and sensitivity indicator for liver function , and has certain value for differential diagnosis of chronic active hepatitis and chronic persistent hepatitis .

  17. 方法对e抗体阳性14例无症状携带(AsC)者及e抗体阳性14例慢性活动性肝炎(CAH)患者的血清HBVx及前C/C基因序列进行克隆、测序。

    Methods The nucleotide sequences of X and precore / core genes of serum HBV were cloned and sequenced in 14 asymptomatic carriers ( AsCs ) and 14 chronic active hepatitis ( CAH ) patients with antibody against hepatitis B e antigen .

  18. 报告多重感染的慢性活动性肝炎(CAH)14例,占同期入院CAH总数的5.9%。

    Fourteen cases with multiple infections of chronic active hepatitis ( CAH ) were reported , which accounted for 5 . 9 % of total inpatients with CAH in the same period .

  19. 结果40例非乙肝患者血清前S1蛋白全部阴性。138例乙肝患者中前S1蛋白的阳性率为31.2%,其中急性肝炎为91.1%,慢性活动性肝炎为52.1%;

    Results In 40 patients without hepatitis B , serological test was negative for pre-S_1 protein and in 138 patients with hepatitis B , the overall positive rate of pre-S_1 protein was 31.2 % ( 91.1 % for acute hepatitis B and 52.1 % for chronic active hepatitis ) .

  20. 结论在慢性活动性肝炎、晚期肝硬化以及肝癌患者存在严重的MMP1和TIMP1的失平衡,这种失平衡是这些患者肝脏细胞外基质净沉积的重要原因。

    Conclusions There is altered balance between MMP 1 and TIMP 1 in patients with chronic active hepatitis , liver cirrhosis and HCC , which is the reason for the net accumulation of extra cellular matrix in the livers of these patients .

  21. 慢性活动性肝炎多重感染&附14例分析

    Multiple Infections in Chronic Active Hepatitis & Analysis of 14 Cases

  22. 肝炎肝硬化分型论治浅析慢性活动性肝炎临床病理分型探讨

    An Approach to Clinical and Pathological Classification of Chronic Active Hepatitis

  23. 慢性活动性肝炎患者生化指标组间典则相关分析

    The canonical correlation analysis of biochemical marker in chronic active hepatitis patients

  24. 慢性活动性肝炎肝组织桥形坏死的病理形态学研究

    The Morphological Changes of Bridging Necrosis in Chronic Active Hepatitis

  25. 血浆病毒灭活治疗乙型慢性活动性肝炎的探讨

    Effect of Plasma Virus Inactivation and Plasma Exchange on Clearing Hepatitis B Virus

  26. 慢性活动性肝炎中单核性细胞超微形态研究

    Ultrastructural study of mononuclear cells in chronic active hepatitis

  27. 重型慢性活动性肝炎患者急性加重的病因探讨

    Etiology of Acute Exacerbation in Severe Chronic Active Hepatitis

  28. 儿童慢性活动性肝炎病程中肝穿刺活检的对比观察

    Liver biopsy of chronic active hepatitis of children

  29. 重症肝炎与慢性活动性肝炎患者白细胞介素2活性低下机制的初步探讨

    Machanism of decrease of interleukin-2 activity in patients with chronic active and severe hepatitis

  30. 慢性活动性肝炎临床与病理分析

    Clinical and Pathological Analysis of Chronic Active Hepatitis