
  • 网络chronic insomnia
  1. 方法:对100例慢性失眠病人随机分舒乐安定治疗组(A组)和点穴推拿治疗组(B组)。

    Methods : 100 patients of chronic insomnia were randomly divided into the Surazeram group ( A ) and the digital-acupoint pressing manipulation group ( B ) for comparison treatment .

  2. 有一千万美国人正在设法医治慢性失眠。

    Ten million Americans are seeking medical help for chronic insomnia .

  3. 慢性失眠患者不同负性生活事件后的睡眠质量分析

    Sleep quality analysis of chronic insomnia patient after confronting negative life event

  4. 慢性失眠是一个主要的公共健康问题。

    Chronic insomnia is a major public health problem .

  5. 在慢性失眠里为认识和生理的唤醒有好证据。

    There is good evidence for cognitive and physiological arousal in chronic insomnia .

  6. 慢性失眠病人脑内神经递质活动的超慢涨落图表现

    Abnormal neurotransmitter activation in patients with chronic insomnia

  7. 这是一种最不为人觉察的--也是潜在的--慢性失眠的原因。

    It 's one of the most insidious and potent causes of chronic insomnia .

  8. 探讨针灸治疗慢性失眠的时效性与量效性。

    To explore the chronergy and quantitative efficiency of acupuncture in treating chronic insomnia .

  9. 健身气功·新编五禽戏结合放松功治疗慢性失眠的研究

    The Effect on Chronic Insomnia by Health Qigong · Wuqinxi Combined with Relaxing Exercise Treatment

  10. 电针头穴和体穴对慢性失眠患者睡眠结构的影响

    Influence of Electroacupuncture at Head and Body Points on Sleep Structure in Chronic Insomnia Patients

  11. 慢性失眠的评价和治疗

    Assessment and treatment of chronic insomnia

  12. ②慢性失眠者多表现为神经质、胆汁质、悲观、抑郁、易怒、情绪不稳定。

    The insomnia patients often manifest neurotic choleric , pessimism , depressant and anxiety , unsteady mood .

  13. 两项临床研究进行了评估,在与唑吡坦治疗慢性失眠患者。

    Two clinical studies were conducted to evaluate zolpidem in the treatment of patients with chronic insomnia .

  14. 结论女性、前列腺增生症、焦虑、抑郁与急性和慢性失眠有相关性。

    Conclusions Female , hyperplasia of prostate , anxiety and depression are associated with acute and chronic insomnia .

  15. 古怪的是,这似乎只影响男性——患慢性失眠的女性死亡率只比平均水平高一点点。

    Oddly , this only appears to affect men - women with chronic insomnia have only slightly higher mortality rates than average .

  16. 高压氧和认知行为分别联合舍曲林治疗慢性失眠的对比观察

    Contrastive observation of the influence of anxiety index in chronic insomnia patients with treatment of cognitive behavior or high pressure oxygen combined with sertraline

  17. 伦敦&在星期三的时候研究人员指出,饱受慢性失眠问题的人很可能会自杀或者已经尝试自杀。

    LONDON-People who suffer chronic sleep problems are more likely to think about suicide or actually try to kill themselves , researchers said on Wednesday .

  18. 目的:评价高压氧、认知行为治疗和舍曲林对慢性失眠患者焦虑指数的影响。

    OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effect of cognitive behavior treatment or high pressure oxygen therapy combined with sertraline on anxiety index in chronic insomnia patients .

  19. 实际上,每晚睡觉少于6小时的慢性失眠者大体上更有可能比拥有正常睡眠的人死得早。

    In fact , men with chronic insomnia who sleep less than six hours per night are substantially more likely to die young than normal sleepers .

  20. 慢性失眠是一种严重影响人类健康的病症,大约有10%~15%的成年人患有慢性失眠。

    Chronic insomnia is a severe disease that seriously influence the human health , and about 10 % - 15 % of the adults suffer from it .

  21. 在一次最近的调查中名患有慢性失眠的志愿者在三周之内每晚都在一个受监视的控制室内睡在带薰衣草花香的枕头上。

    In a recent study , 30 volunteers with chronic insomnia slept each night for three weeks on lavender-scented pillows in a controlled room where their sleep was monitored .

  22. 慢性的失眠可能需要临时运用镇静剂,催眠剂或精神疗法;

    Chronic insomnia may require the temporary use of sedatives , hypnosis , or psychotherapy ;

  23. 归纳了肝郁血瘀证、肝血亏虚证慢性肝病失眠患者的证候特点及分布情况。

    Inductive the characteristics of type symptoms insomnia and distribution of chronic liver disease patients that liver Qi and blood , liver and blood deficiency . 4 .

  24. 部分慢性肝病失眠患者伴有全身或局部症状,其中以倦怠感、胁部不适、腹胀、嗳气和食欲不振为主。

    Some patients with chronic liver disease , insomnia or associated with systemic symptoms , including local body fatigue , discomfort , such as burnout , flank discomfort , eructation and loss of appetite in the primary . 6 .

  25. 慢性顽固性失眠合并高血压的血压特点分析

    Characteristic of the blood pressure circadian rhythms on the patients suffered chronic insomnia and hypertension

  26. 研究结果1、大部分慢性肝胆病失眠患者存在多梦表现,且女性多于男性。

    Most of the liver and gallbladder disease insomnia patients are dreamy and female over male . 2 .

  27. 此外,关于暴露于极低频电磁场与抑郁、慢性病变、失眠以及其他疾病之间的联系也多有报道。

    Additionally , increased indexes of depression , chronic migraines , insomnia , and other ailments have been reported among workers exposed to power-frequency fields .

  28. 慢性肝病患者失眠的发生率与年龄、病种没有明显相关性,与病程长短有一定关系。

    Chronic liver disease patients the incidence of insomnia with age , disease to not have a significant relationship , and the length of a certain relationship . 3 .

  29. 慢性原发性失眠患者的人格特征和听觉诱发电位研究

    Auditory evoked potential and personality traits in chronic primary insomniacs

  30. 认知行为疗法与佐匹克隆治疗老年慢性原发性失眠患者的比较:一项随机对照试验

    Cognitive behavioral therapy vs zopiclone for treatment of chronic primary insomnia in older adults : A randomized controlled trial