
  • 网络prevalence rate of chronic diseases
  1. 结果离休干部慢性病患病率为98.9%,ADL和IADL受损率分别为20.1%和45.2%。

    Results The prevalence rate of chronic diseases was 98.9 % . The impairment rate of ADL and IADL was 20.1 % and 45.2 % , respectively .

  2. 结果:慢性病患病率为57.8%,ADL损害率为9.4%,IADL损害率为23.2%。

    Results : The prevalence rate of chronic diseases was 57 8 % . The rates of function disability for ADL and IADL were 9 4 % and 23 2 % , respectively .

  3. 结果:两条Lorenz曲线均位于公平线的下方,两周患病率和慢性病患病率的基尼系数分别为0.181和0.284。

    Results Both two Lorenz curves were under the line of equality , and the Gini coefficient was 0.181 and 0.284 , respectively .

  4. 老年人的慢性病患病率最高的是高血压。

    The highest incidence of chronic diseases in the communities was hypertension .

  5. 半年慢性病患病率呈上升趋势。

    Half years chronic diseases prevalence rate shows ascendant tendency .

  6. 结果:育龄妇女慢性病患病率53.83%;

    Results : Prevalence rate of the chronic disease was 53.86 % .

  7. 亚健康发生率为52.3%,两周患病率为19.9%,慢性病患病率20.5%。

    The incidence of sub-health was 52.3 % .

  8. 慢性病患病率为169.0‰;

    Chronic disease prevalence rate was 169.0 ‰ .

  9. 在性别上慢性病患病率女性高于男性,但差异无显著性。

    The prevalence rate of female were higher than that of male but no significant differences .

  10. 加大重点人群健康教育宣传力度,降低慢性病患病率。

    Promote more effective health education on the high-risk group to reduce the prevalence of chronic diseases .

  11. 农民工残障和慢性病患病率均低于城市和农村居民,病休率无明显差异。

    The rate of disable and chronic disease of migrants was lower than urban / rural counterparts .

  12. 结果老年人各种慢性病患病率为82%。

    Results We found that 82 % of the elderly 's have some kinds of chronic diseases .

  13. 描述性研究的主要结论是:慢性病患病率16.99%,影响居民健康的前4位慢性病是关节炎,高血压,慢支和消化道溃疡。

    The main results of descriptive study are that the prevalence rate of chronic diseases is 16.99 % .

  14. 营养相关性慢性病患病率将是上海市面临的重要公共卫生问题。

    The increase of the incidence of nutrition-related chronic diseases will be an important public health problem in Shanghai .

  15. 结论在职干部营养相关慢性病患病率较高,已严重威胁健康。

    Objective To survey the prevalence rate of nutrition-related chronic diseases among the military in-service cadres in a military sanatorium .

  16. 结果被调查居民两周患病率为138.20‰,慢性病患病率143.92‰;人群两周就诊率为105.61‰;

    Results Two-week prevalence was 138.20 ‰, the prevalence of chronic diseases was 143.92 ‰, two-week visiting rate was 105.61 ‰ .

  17. 结果本组两周患病率为438‰,慢性病患病率为574‰;

    Results Of those surveyed , the two-week morbidity was 438 per thousand ; the chronic morbidity was 574 per thousand ;

  18. 10.用老年人两周患病率、两周每百人患病天数、慢性病患病率来评价老年人的健康水平。

    The health of elderly was evaluated by two weeks prevalence , two weeks sick days per hundred and chronic illness prevalence .

  19. 结果新乡县慢性病患病率为12.42%,是1998年全国农村水平的1.35倍;

    Results : The prevalence rate of chronic diseases was 12.42 % , which was 1.35 times of the whole urban of China .

  20. 通过对生命质量影响因素的多元分析发现,收入、医疗支出、婚姻状况、两周患病率、慢性病患病率等是影响生命质量的因素。

    It was found that the income , marriage condition , age and profession etc. were the main influencing factor of quality of life .

  21. 年龄、慢性病患病率、两周患病率、一年住院率是影响老年人生理领域得分的主要因素;

    Age , the prevalence rate of chronic disease , the2-week prevalence rate , the admission rate are the mainly affecting factors in PHYS ;

  22. 研究现场贫困人群中,老人、文盲半文盲、残疾人口构成和慢性病患病率均高于一般人群;

    The proportion of the aged , illiterate and handicapped and the incidence rate of chronic disease in the poorest were higher than the common .

  23. 结果:该区军队人员慢性病患病率为9.06%,其中:离退休军队人员慢性病患病率为94.12%,现役军队人员慢性病患病率为8.56%。

    Results : The total chronic disease prevalence was 9.06 % ( 94.12 % for the retired and 8.56 % for the active army ) .

  24. 影响慢性病患病率的因素有地区、性别、年龄、婚姻状况、受教育程度、职业、自评经济收入。

    Factors that affect the prevalence of chronic diseases are area , gender , age , marital status , education level , career and self-evaluation economic income .

  25. 结果肢体残疾人两周患病率为22.92%,慢性病患病率为31.61%,均高于其他人群;

    Results Two - week prevalence and chronic disease prevalence are 22.92 % and 31.61 % respectively , which are higher than those of the normal population ;

  26. 结果显示肢体残疾人两周患病率为22.92%,慢性病患病率为31.61%,均高于一般人群,其患病率受到多种因素的影响。

    Results show two-week prevalence and chronic desease prevalence are 22.92 % and 31 . 61 % . They are higher than those of the normal population .

  27. 为了控制营养相关慢性病患病率的不断上升,建议国家制定价格干预政策来控制猪肉和食用油的摄入量。

    In order to controlling the increasing prevalence of NR-NCDs , we suggest that government should make price intervention measures to control the pork and cooking oil intake .

  28. 慢性病患病率达15.99%,影响慢性病患病率的主要因素有年龄、受教育程度和居住位置。

    The prevalence rate of chronic diseases was15.99 % . The prevalence rate of chronic diseases was mainly related to age , level of education and housing location .

  29. 卫生技术人员的慢性病患病率为8.44%,身体疼痛或不适的被调查者占17.26%,出现焦虑症状者占22.53%。

    The prevalence of chronic diseases is 8.44 percent . The respondents for physical pain or discomfort accounted is 17.26 percent . The anxiety symptoms accounted is 22.53 percent .

  30. 老年人两周患病率和慢性病患病率不仅反映老年人的健康状况,也反映老年人卫生服务的可及性和可获得性。

    ( c ) The two-week prevalence and prevalence of chronic disease of the elderly residents reflected their health status , but also the possibility of accessibility and availability .