
  • states; countries
  1. 波罗的海诸共和国已呼吁斯堪的纳维亚诸国提供援助。

    The Baltic republics have called on the Scandinavian countries for help .

  2. 法国即将承认波罗的海诸国的独立。

    France is on the point of recognizing the independence of the Baltic States .

  3. 该提议不大可能在波罗的海诸国得到热烈响应。

    It is unlikely that this suggestion will be greeted enthusiastically in the Baltic States .

  4. 北欧诸国很快就表示它们对波罗的海诸国的发展感兴趣。

    The Nordic countries have been quick to assert their interest in the development of the Baltic States .

  5. 大约有1200万流动工人带着家属居住在欧盟诸国。

    There are approximately 12 million migrants with their dependants living in the EU countries .

  6. EC诸国环境保护政策大纲

    Policy guidelines for environmental protection in EC countries

  7. 去年,欧盟(EU)内部只有瑞典、波兰、芬兰和波罗的海诸国的经济增速超过了德国。

    Within the European Union , only Sweden , Poland , Finland and the Baltic States grew faster than Germany last year .

  8. 目前,平流层通信信息技术的研究越来越多地引起了世界诸国的高度重视。IPv6报头压缩是平流层通信系统中需要解决的关键技术之一。

    At present , the research of stratospheric communications and information technology have attracted great attention in many countries.IPv6 header compression is one of the key technology of the stratospheric communication systems .

  9. 另外,北约(Nato)必须继续安抚在冷战后选择加入欧洲&大西洋联盟、现在感到非常脆弱的中东欧国家,尤其是波罗的海诸国。

    Nato must continue , moreover , to reassure those states in central and eastern Europe , especially the Baltic republics , that exercised their post-cold war choice in favour of joining Euro-Atlantic alliances & and now feel vulnerable .

  10. 多年前,一位名叫TahsinBashir的埃及外交官即称呼中东地区的阿拉伯诸国为“彩旗飘飘的部落群”(虽然他排除了母国埃及)。

    Many years ago an Egyptian diplomat , Tahsin Bashir , called the new Arab states of the Middle East " tribes with flags "( though he exempted Egypt ) .

  11. 理想广播信道是已有RMPC协议在理论研究中极为重要的信道假设,对安全性和性能有着重要影响,支持RMPC协议实现的群组通信基础方面的研究尚未见诸国内外文献。

    Ideal broadcast channel is an extremely important assumption in existed theoretical researches , and has significant influence on security and performance for RMPC protocols , however , research on group communication supporting the implementation of RMPC protocols has not appeared in any literatures home and abroad .

  12. 显影中心的钝化现象新疆与中亚诸国贸易发展趋势分析

    Tendency Analysis of Trade Development between Xinjiang and Center - Asia

  13. 日本学者、我国学者和欧洲诸国的学者对此都有不同的表述。

    Scholars in Japan , China and Europe have different expositions .

  14. 印度的民族问题及与南亚诸国的关系

    India 's Ethnic Problems and Its Relationship with Other South Asian Countries

  15. 论广西与东盟诸国合作模式的转换

    On the Changes of Cooperative Patterns between Guangxi and the ASEAN Countries

  16. 素来夏琐在这诸国中是为首的。

    ( Hazor had been the head of all these kingdoms . )

  17. 中国与亚洲诸国宗藩关系的历史渊源探析

    On the Historical Origins of Suzerain-Vassal Relationship Between China and Other Asian Countries

  18. 宋朝接待海外诸国朝贡使团的费用来源有三:拨款、自筹和摊派。

    There were three sources of reception costs : funding , self-financing and apportionments .

  19. 如果不能实现经济增长,南欧诸国的财政状况只会每况愈下。

    In the absence of growth , those fiscal positions will only get worse .

  20. 我国中医医院管理工作的新阶段&国家中医药管理局诸国本副局长在全国中医医院分级管理工作会议上的讲话

    New Stage of the Managerial Work of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospitals in Our Country

  21. 他认为英国的政治场景和北欧诸国很相像。

    He considers that the British political landscape resembles that of the Nordic countries .

  22. 她曾游历过北方诸国。

    She has travelled in northern countries .

  23. 该方法尚未见诸国内外文献报道。

    The method has not been reported in the literatures both at home and abroad .

  24. 水稻是中国及亚洲诸国最为重要的粮食作物之一。

    Rice is one of the most important food crops in China and Asian countries .

  25. 西汉长安与南海诸国的交通及往来

    The Traffic and Intercourse between Chang ' an and Nanhai States In West Han Dynasty

  26. 近代社会转型时期亚欧诸国的人口问题

    Population Issues in Asian and European Transition from the Medieval Ages to the Modern Times

  27. 上述诸国的共同之处在于,都对结构性改革兴趣索然。

    What these countries have in common is a lack of appetite for structural reforms .

  28. 为什么从前诸国提供了反对国际经济的保护和缓冲?

    Why in the past did states provide protection and buffering against the international economy ?

  29. 制约新疆与中亚诸国经贸发展的外部经济因素

    On the External Factors Constraining the Economic and Trade Development between Xinjiang and Central Asian Countries

  30. 纵观域外诸国商品化权相关,商品化权的保护模式因国而异。

    Throughout the world , the protection patterns of the right vary from state to state .