
  • 网络Zhuge Liang's Northern Expeditions
  1. 移民方为大问题&论诸葛亮北伐事业中最大的战略失误

    The Decisive Issue of Immigration & On the biggest strategic mistake Zhuge Liang made in his cause of the Northern Expedition

  2. 诸葛亮北伐时期,魏延作为诸葛亮的左膀右臂,为蜀汉立下了汗马功劳。

    During the period of Zhuge Liang 's northern expedition , Weiyan , as Zhuge 's capable assistant had achieved war exploits for the kingdom of Shu Han .

  3. 摘要诸葛亮北伐问题历史上一向争议很大,进而对诸葛亮的才能问题也众说纷纭。

    The advantages or disadvantages of the Zhuge Liang northern expedition have been argued about for years , which have also caused quite different remarks on his personal ability .

  4. 诸葛亮曾五次北伐,只有一次获得了胜利(于天水),在一场成功的阴谋叛变之后诸葛亮收复了姜维。

    Zhuge Liang had five attempts in the north , only one of which succeeded ( Tianshui ) where he gained Jiang Wei after a successful defection plot .