
  • 网络Buddhas
  1. 亦彼十方诸佛大瑞光相现前。

    And the Buddhas from ten directions are appearing with such a brightness .

  2. 上师是诸佛、师和觉悟者三者加持力的结晶。

    The master - the guru - embodies the crystallization of the blessings of all buddhas , masters , and enlightened beings .

  3. 解脱至要:那是诸佛之言。

    Liberation is foremost : that 's what the Buddhas say .

  4. 禅修金刚萨垛即等于禅修一切诸佛。

    Meditation is equal to gaza palletizer vajrayana meditation all buddhas .

  5. 诸佛大龙出,雷音遍世间。

    Apparition of Buddhas and Great Dragons thunders all over the world .

  6. 《妙法莲华经》是诸佛的果地,是佛菩萨倒驾慈航的方便。

    The Lotus Sutra indicates the expedient means of Buddha and Bodhisattva .

  7. 须菩提!一切诸佛,及诸佛阿耨多罗三藐三菩提法,皆从此经出。

    Subhuti , all Buddhas and their Supreme-Enlightenment-Dharma originate from this sutra .

  8. 大白伞盖佛母是由诸佛顶髻而化。

    Deity of White umbrella is derived from the crown of all the Buddhas .

  9. 没有虔诚心的话,一切诸佛的慈悲心都无法使教导对你有效。

    Without devotion , even the compassion of all the buddhas cannot make itso .

  10. 诸佛菩萨,所有伟大的上师。

    All buddhas , all great masters .

  11. 礼敬过去诸佛。

    To the Buddhas of the past .

  12. 诸佛菩萨,宣公上人,诸位法师,诸位善知识:阿弥陀佛。

    Buddhas , Bodhisattvas , the VM , DMs and all good knowing advisors : Amitabha .

  13. 诸佛菩萨曾发愿要让如本文的无私愿力祈请文能圆成。

    The buddhas and bodhisattvas have vowed to work towards the accomplishment of selfless aspiration prayers such as these .

  14. 所有这些事是属于诸佛的世界并且不是声闻乘和辟支佛乘可以知道。

    All such things belong to the world of all Buddhas and are not what sravakas and pratyekabuddhas may know .

  15. 诸佛菩萨、上人、各位法师、各位善知识:阿弥陀佛!

    All Budhas , Bodhisattva , Venerable Master , Dharma Master , and all Good and Wise Advisors , Amitabha !

  16. 临命终时,还可受到过去、现在、未来一切十方三世诸佛的迎接,往生佛国乐土。

    When you dying , the buddhas for the pass , present & future will meet you in the reborn Buddhist paradise .

  17. 到最后,坛城中心的比例还是或多或少要有些失真,否则诸佛就无法安置其中。

    In the last case , proportions of the mandala are somewhat distorted in the center , otherwise the deities would not fit .

  18. 有些人依文解义,按文字的字面去解经的话,是不能了达诸佛甚深的本义的。

    By only interpreting the words of the sutra would not allow you to understand the true meaning of the Buddha 's word .

  19. 水、山、日代表了诸佛的大悲、诸佛的智慧、诸佛的力量。

    In the logo , the water , the sun and the mountain symbolize respectively the Buddhas'great compassion , the Buddhas'wisdom and the Buddhas'power .

  20. 一念这个〈六字大明咒〉,无量诸佛、无量菩萨、无量护法金刚,都常常拥护你。

    Recite the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra once , and the immeasurable Buddhas , Bodhisattvas , and Vajra Dharma protectors constantly support and protect you .

  21. 让我们虔诚礼拜诸佛菩萨慈悲加持,使厄难消除,诸上善人俱会一处。

    Let 's pray devoutly to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for their mercy empowerment , so that we can have our distress eliminated and meet mentors of virtue .

  22. 上人让他在圣城的万佛宝殿中,在十方诸佛菩萨及四众前发露忏悔,以挽救他的罪业。

    In CTTB 's Buddha Hall , the Venerable Master helped this man by letting him repent in front of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the Ten Directions and the Fourfold Assembly .

  23. 因此,从根的角度-究竟-我们的自性是如同诸佛一样,在这个层面上的教义或实修,并没有什麽问题。

    So from the point of view of the Ground the absolute our nature is the same as the buddhas ' , and there is no question at this level of teaching or practice to do .

  24. 愿我弃舍任何对一切诸佛化身的上师之怀疑,并避免掉入视他与为同等的谬见中,愿我视他为真实的佛陀。

    May I give up any doubts regarding the master , the embodiment of all the sugatas , and without slipping into the mistaken view of considering him as an equal , may I see him as an actual buddha !