
  • 网络satoshi morimoto
  1. 日本首相野田佳彦(yoshihikonoda)和防卫大臣森本敏(satoshimorimoto)上周分别在不同场合表示,如果海上冲突升级,超出了海岸警卫队的处理能力,日本将部署自卫队。

    Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and defense minister Satoshi Morimoto last week said on separate occasions that Japan could deploy its self-defense forces if maritime confrontations escalate beyond what could be handled by its coast guard .

  2. 周六,日本国防部长森本敏下达“摧毁措施准备命令”并开始部署军队,森林要求日本军队为卫星发射作好准备。

    The military arrangement comes after a destroy order issued by Defense Minister Satoshi Morimoto on Saturday , requiring Japanese forces to prepare for the satellite launch .