
  • 网络budget review
  1. 主要介绍了预算审查的内涵、预算审查制度的理论依据、预算审查的重要意义。

    Mainly introduces the connotation of the budget review , the theory basis of budget review system , the significance of budget review .

  2. 浅析地质调查项目设计预算审查

    Analysis on planing , budget and examine of geological survey projects

  3. 环境工程预算审查中常见的问题及其对策

    The Common Problems and Countermeasures about Budget Examination ot Environmental Projects

  4. 关于加强人大对财政预算审查监督的法律思考

    Thinking on the Reinforcement of Fiscal Budget Examination of Congresses

  5. 建筑工程土建预算审查技巧

    Analysis on Audit Skills of Budget in Civil Engineering

  6. 我国预算审查监督法律制度分析及完善

    The Analysis and the Improvement of the Supervision System of the Examination of the Budget of Our Country

  7. 但由于历史和现实的原因,我国的预算审查监督法律制度一直存在诸多缺陷。

    Because of the historical and realistic causes , the supervision system of the examination of the budget of our country always has many defects .

  8. 对铁路工程概预算审查的初探水土保持工程概(估)算软件及应用

    Elementary exploration of examination on budget & budget estimate making of railway engineering Budgetary estimate software for soil and water conservation project and it 's application

  9. 随着政治文明建设的加强,理论界和实务界也越来越关注预算审查监督法律制度的研究。

    With the strengthening of the development of the political civilization , the theoretical and the practical circles pay more and more attention to the research of it .

  10. 论建筑工程的施工预算结算审查

    Study on Examination of Budget and Final Cost of The Building Engineering Construction

  11. 土建施工图预算的审查方法

    Auditing Methods for Civil Construction Budget

  12. 土建概预算的审查是控制工程造价的一个重要环节。

    The audit about the budget in civil engineering is an important link in the engineering cost control .

  13. 德国正要求对欧盟各项条约进行修订,将空前权力集中至布鲁塞尔,由其对预算进行审查,并对肆意挥霍的政府进行制裁。

    Germany is demanding changes to the European treaties that would concentrate unprecedented power in Brussels to scrutinise budgets and sanction profligate governments .

  14. 财政投资评审工作的展开上,主要内容有项目预算,审查和竣工决算。

    The commencement of the assessment of financial investment , the main contents of the project budget , review and completion of final accounts .

  15. 对国土资源调查项目经费预算编制与审查的思考

    Budget Making and Examining the Fund for Land Resource Survey Project

  16. 地调项目设计预算编制与审查中的几个问题

    Problems on working out design and budget and audit in geological survey projects

  17. 着重于对土建施工图预算六种审查方法的分析讨论,帮助工程预决算人员采用适当的方法合理确定土建工程造价。

    Focus on analysis and discussion on six auditing methods for a civil construction project , help civil construction project management personnel to adopt appropriate methods to decide the reasonable budget for a civil construction project .

  18. 第三,结合财政运行实践,在深刻剖析我国部门预算编制和审查监督问题的基础上,提出完善我国部门预算监督体系的若干建议。

    Thirdly , combined with the experience in fiscal work , on the grounds of deeply probing into the problems in departmental budget making and audit , put forward several suggestions for perfecting the supervision system of departmental budget in China .

  19. 预算、资金、审查管理室

    Office of Budget , Finance and Award Management

  20. 把握好设计预算的编制、审查、修改、批复与执行五个环节是预算管理工作的核心。

    Budget PC The five points including plan , audit , modification , approval and implement are key for budget management .

  21. 国会由众议院拨款委员会对总统提出的预算方案作初步审查。

    Sit on a fund-raising committee The initial congressional examination of the president 's budget is made by the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee .

  22. 由于我国预算法律体系的不完善、预算法原则的缺失,致使在预算的编制、审查、批准、执行、调整、监督等各个环节都存在着与市场经济所要求的法治性不相符的现象。

    Because of under development , the system of budget law has some defects , especially missing of the principles , so that many problems come up and need to be solved in the operation of budget law .