
  1. 消防责任事故罪研究

    A Study on the Crime of Fire Obligation Accident

  2. 论消防责任事故罪客观要件的设立缺陷及弥补

    Discussion on the defect and remedy of conditions of defining fire protection accident responsibility

  3. 消防责任事故罪构成要件探讨

    Studying on the several formation essentials about the crime of fire and prevention of accidents from negligence

  4. 论消防责任事故罪与消防监督检查及玩忽职守罪的关系

    On the relationships between crimes of fire-prevention liability accident and crimes of dereliction in regard to fire prevention

  5. 分析了消防责任事故罪在客观方面和刑罚种类、法定刑方面存在的问题。

    Analysis of fire accidents in the objective aspect of crime and punishment type of problems in legal punishment .

  6. 从理论和案例两方面进行进一步的界定,有助于对本罪的深入理解。第四章:消防责任事故罪的立法完善。

    Both from theory and case definition of further help understanding of the crime . Chapter ⅳ: Fire Accident Offense .

  7. 消防责任事故罪属于危害公共安全犯罪之一,是实践中常见多发的一种犯罪行为。

    Fire accidents due to negligence of Crimes against public security offences is one of the common practice in a crime .

  8. 第二部分,结合案例,运用法律理论着重从消防责任事故罪和失火罪的构成要件上深入解析其二者法定刑罚失衡的问题。

    The second part will analyze the imbalance problem on fire crime and the fire accidents ' responsibility negligence crime using relevant legal theories with case study .

  9. 消防责任事故罪的主体为一般主体,在该部分本文重点讨论了本罪是特殊主体还是一般主体。

    The main body of fire accident responsibility for the general subject , in the part of the article focused on the subject of this crime is a special or general subject .

  10. 通过对本罪在客观方面的全面了解,使存在的不足自然而然地得到表现,为本罪的立法完善建议做好伏笔。第三章:消防责任事故罪的司法认定。

    On the objective aspect of this crime in a comprehensive understanding of the shortcomings in the performance of naturally get . Offense-based recommendations do foreshadowing . Chapter ⅲ: Fire the Crime accidents .

  11. 本篇论文从消防责任事故罪的概念和立法沿革入手,介绍了该罪的历史缘由及外国法律对此的一些规定。

    Beginning with lines on concerned concepts and legislation history , the thesis makes a summary on the history development of the crime of fire obligation accident , and introduces the related regulations of foreign law .

  12. 从失火罪与消防责任事故罪的犯罪构成事实看,消防责任事故罪实际上是一种特殊的失火罪,相比较之下,失火罪为轻罪,消防责任事故罪则为重罪。

    Constituted from the criminal facts , fire accident responsibility is actually a special kind of fire crimes , by contrasts , fire crime is the crime of misdemeanor , and fire accidents ' responsibility negligence crime is a felony .

  13. 对本罪作一个概括地了解,为下一步分析本罪作铺垫。第二章:这是本文讨论的核心,即对消防责任事故罪的犯罪构成进行全面分析。

    A summary of the understanding of sin , to pave the way for further analysis of the crime . Chapter ⅱ: This is the core of this paper , that of fire accidents constitute the crime to conduct a comprehensive analysis .

  14. 简要回顾了消防责任事故罪的立法轨迹,从五十年代末法律法规对消防刑事立法的概括规定到1997年消防责任事故罪被正式写入刑法典。

    A brief review of the Crime of fire accidents trajectory , from the late fifties to the fire laws and regulations of the general provisions of criminal legislation to fire accidents in 1997 was formally written into the Penal Code the crime .

  15. 本文通过介绍《重庆市办理失火罪和消防责任事故罪案件立案标准(暂行)》,简述了失火罪与消防责任事故罪的具体概念、主要构成特征及区别。

    The text states briefly conception and most structrue characters and different of crime of fire and fire protection duty accident , through introducing ChongQing Municipal Case Registered Criterion About Dealing with Crime of one 's causing Fire and neglecting Fire Protection Duty ( temporary ) .

  16. 从消防监督检查的重要性和遵守消防执法程序的必要性入手,阐述消防监督机关在消防责任事故罪构成中的地位和作用、消防监督人员与玩忽职守罪的关系。

    This paper explains the crimes of fire-prevention liability accident concerning fire-prevention department and the relationship between crimes of dereliction and fire-prevention supervision personnel .