
shì qū
  • visual area
视区 [shì qū]
  • [visual area] 大脑皮质枕叶之感觉区,接受有关视力感觉的输入投射纤维

视区[shì qū]
  1. 它们与最近光学记录揭示的鹰猴中颞叶视区(middletemporalvisualarea,MT)的组织有很好的吻合。

    There types of cells agree well with the organization of the middle temporal visual area ( MT ) of the owl monley , revealed by using optical recording techniques .

  2. 又发现:与行为某一方面相关变化的神经元数量在不同脑区是不等的,最显著的差异见于皮质视区与运动区:在皮质视区,大部分不是环境神经元,而是运动神经元;

    We also found that in different forebrain areas the number of neurons interrelated with the change of some aspects of behaviour was not equal . The most significant difference was between the visual area and the motor area .

  3. Turboc图形视区中多功能文本输出函数的设计

    Design of multi-function text output function in Turbo C graphic view

  4. 提出了一种基于CCD摄像头的自动立体显示器立体对比度和视区检测方法。

    A method of inspecting stereo contrast ratio and view zones of autostereoscopic displays using CCD cams is proposed .

  5. 视区切削直径大小对LASIK手术患者波前像差的影响

    Effect of the size of ablation zone on the wavefront aberration in the LASIK patients

  6. 视区是可视浏览器空间的数量,用CSS像素进行定义,并通过设备和浏览器进行确定。

    The viewport is the amount of viewable browser space , which is defined in CSS pixels and determined by the device and browser .

  7. 光照系统可为CCD摄像机的视区提供均匀和恒定的无影光照;图像采集系统可实时采集害虫的序列图像信息并送至计算机内存进行处理。

    The chamber could produce even and invariable light for the CCD camera , and the vision system collected and transferred series of images information to computer memory at real time .

  8. 目的:研究视区切削直径大小对LASIK手术后患者波前像差的影响,以便指导临床LASIK手术方式的选择。

    · AIM : To study the effect of the size of ablation zone on the wavefront aberrations in the LASIK operations .

  9. 您不想让ThickBox覆盖整个窗口,更不想让它延伸到视区以外。

    You don 't want ThickBox to cover the entire window , let alone extend beyond the edges of the viewport .

  10. 您可以更改传递给ThickBox的页面宽度和高度值,但是如果用户使用较小的视区又该怎么办?

    You could change the width and height values that you pass in to ThickBox , but what about users with smaller viewports ?

  11. 结果对同义字和同音字进行判断均能明显激活Broca区、Wernicke区、双侧纹外视区及双侧颞叶腹侧皮层。

    Results Broca ′ s area , Wernicke ′ s area , bilateral extrastriate , and ventral temporal cortex were significantly activated during both synonym and homophone tasks .

  12. 主要研究工作和创新之处如下:1.采用离心/极角刺激的实验方案和基于三维体数据的VFS分区法实现了对人脑视觉皮层各功能视区的描绘。

    The details are shown as follows : 1 . Under the experimental paradigm of eccentricity / polar angle stimuli , visual areas of human cortex were outlined using VFS method based on 3D volume data set .

  13. 空间物体断面图的多视区显示算法

    Multi - viewport Algorithm for Drawing Profile of Object in Space

  14. 基于视点转移和视区追踪的图像显著区域检测

    Detecting Salient Regions Based on Location Shift and Extent Trace

  15. 大白鼠大脑视区皮质棘器的微细结构

    The fine structure of spine apparatus in the visual cortex of the rat

  16. 用于实时动态目标监视的多窗口视区链技术

    Multi windows view region link list technology for real time moving objects monitored

  17. 模拟军用直升机座舱仪表板各视区视觉效果的研究

    Visual effectiveness of different areas on the simulated instrument board of military helicopters

  18. 地形可视化中快速视区裁剪算法研究

    A Fast Culling Algorithm for Visualization of Terrain

  19. 结果:所有病例均有完整的周边囊膜,均获透明视区。

    RESULTS : There were rounded peripheral capsular membranes and clear optic zone all cases .

  20. 首先,在文件头部我设置了视区。

    First , notice that in the head of the document , I set the viewport .

  21. 结果两组视区平均密度值显著性差异(P<0.001);

    Results The grey mean between two groups had significant difference ( P < 0.001 ) .

  22. 在局部层面上,第三章讨论了视区分析的原理和应用,并初步分析了留园和五座住宅。

    Then some methods of visibility analysis are explained separately on the local and global level .

  23. 除了这些默认的方向,视区可以随意的转动任何角度。

    Apart from these three default directions , the view can be rotated to any angle you wish .

  24. 视区、耳穴和视区加耳穴对青少年近视疗效的对比观察

    Contrastive Observation of Curative Effect on Juvenile Myopia among Optic Area 、 Auricular Point and Optic Area with Auricular Point

  25. 大白鼠视区的胼胝神经元&HRP逆行法研究

    Study on the callosal neurons in the visual cortex of the albino rat by means of retrograde transport of HRP

  26. 此外,设备和浏览器设置的视区大小不同于实际显示的窗口大小。

    Also , the viewport size that 's set by the device and browser can differ from what appears as the actual window size .

  27. 实验结果表明,此方法能很好地检测自动立体显示器的立体对比度和左右眼视区。

    Experimental results demonstrate that the method proposed in this paper can well inspect the stereo contrast ratio and view zones of autostereoscopic display .

  28. 基于前视声纳的视区和水下机器人的姿态动力学特性,根据基于规则的路径规划算法来规划机器人接近最短的路径。

    Based on the sensor vision zone and AUV attitude dynamics , a 3D near-shortest path planning algorithm is developed for the AUV in the unknown environment .

  29. 另外,这些研究认为,通过“偏置”或者加强信号,“额-顶部网络”可在视区内引起信息处理能力的改善。

    Those studies have additionally suggested that the frontal-parietal network may induce this improved processing in the visual areas by means of some " biasing " or enhancing signal .

  30. 该算法利用(?)、ψ映射及α、β变换,把任意大小的物体空间切平面完整地显示或绘制在相应的视区内。

    In the algorithm , , ψ mappings and α, β viewing transformations are used so that tangential plane of any size object may be displayed or drawn in the corresponding viewport .