
  • 网络the classic of tea;the book of tea;tea scripture
  1. 《茶经》共分为以下十章:一之源;

    The Classic of Tea is divided into the following 10 chapters : 1.Origin ;

  2. 他将当时的主流宗教“儒释道”中的思想赋予到《茶经》之中。

    He invested The Classic of Tea with the concept of Bud-dhism , Taoism , or Confu-cianism that dominated the religious thought of his age .

  3. 中国唐代陆羽写的《茶经》是世界上最早的茶叶制作专著。

    “ The Classics on Tea ”, written by Lu Yu of the Tang Dynasty ( 618 A.D. - 907 A.D. ) was the world 's earliest treatise on tea leave production .

  4. 和三室茶C.关于陆羽《茶经》中饮茶观点的研究

    A Study on the Point of View to Drinking Tea Showed in Lu Yu 's Tea Classic

  5. “你有否读过《茶经》?”,他说道。

    " Did you ever read the Book of Tea ?" said he .

  6. 唐朝更有陆羽的《茶经》问世。自然,中国也是世界上最早喝茶的国度了。

    Naturally , the Chinese are the earliest in the world to drink tea .

  7. 他研究的成果被写在他的杰作-茶经。

    The fruits of his research were written down in his masterpiece & the Classic of Tea .

  8. 从《茶经》章节的翻译谈典籍英译中的意形整合

    On the meaning-form conformity in translating Chinese classics & A case study in translating the chapter titles of The Classic of Tea

  9. 后来陆羽的《茶经》总结了茶叶的功能和用途,将茶叶的推广做到了极致。

    Later on The Classic of Tea of Luyu summarized function and use of the tea , accomplished ultimate attainment of the popularization of the tea .

  10. 陆羽的《茶经》是世界上最初的茶学书籍,问世以来对茶学和茶业的发展发挥了非常重要的作用。

    " Tea Classic " written by Lu Yu was the first book on tea in the world and has been greatly influencing on tea studies and tea industry development since it became available .

  11. 《茶经》《茶经》是世界上第一部有关茶的专著,为中国唐朝文人陆羽在公元760-780年间所著。

    The Classic of Tea The Classic of Tea is the first treatise on tea in the world , writfen by the Chinese writer Lu Yu between 760 and 780 in the Tang Dynasty .

  12. 唐朝时,一个名叫陆羽的人写了世界上第一部关于茶的著作&《茶经》,这部书有助于在中国推广饮茶艺术。

    In Tang Dynasty , a man named Lu Yu created the first compendium in the world on tea , Book of Tea . This work helped to popularize the art of tea drinking all across China .

  13. 唐朝时,一个名叫陆羽的人写了世界上第一部关于茶的著作—《茶经》,这部书有助于在中国推广饮茶艺术。

    In Tang Dynasty , a man named Lu Yu created the first compendium in the world on tea , Book of Tea . This work helped to popularize the art of tea drinking all across China .

  14. 从茶产地的分布看唐代区域经济的开发&读《全唐诗》、《茶经》、《新唐书·地理志》札记

    The Study of the Exploitation of Regional Economy from the Distribution of Tea Producing Area in the Tang Dynasty & Through the Analysis on the Quan Tang Shi , Book of Tea and The New History of the Tang Dynasty