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  • 网络Vernal Equinox Day;Shunbun no Hi
  1. 据说,在秋分与春分日,太阳阴影会像蛇一样从台阶上爬行而下,与顶端雕刻的巨蛇相似。

    Shadows at the fall and spring equinoxes are said to look like a snake crawling down the steps , similar to the carved serpent at the top .

  2. 星期天复活节的来临标志着从上周日开始的圣周德结束,复活节是为纪念耶稣钉在十字架上三天后复活,为春分日之后月满后的第一个星期天。

    Easter of course Sunday , the day Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ . On the third day , after the Crucifixion , Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the first day of spring .