
chūn qíng
  • Chunqing;longing for love;stirring of love;scene in the spring
春情 [chūn qíng]
  • (1) [stirring of love]∶男女相互爱恋的感情;春心

  • (2) [scene in the spring]∶春天的景致或意趣

春情[chūn qíng]
  1. 自从遇见他,这个少女春情萌动。

    The young girl 's longing for love started since she met him .

  2. 雌的走近时,雄的便春情大发。

    As the female approaches , the male becomes greatly excited .

  3. 却也春情难按。

    But it is difficult to escape spring passions .