
  1. 掀开羌族《释比史诗》神秘的面纱

    Unveiling the Mystery of the shibi Epics of the Qiang People

  2. 释比只能为男性,需经过严格的训练。

    Shibi are always male and must undergo strict training .

  3. 羌族的宗教信仰与“释比”考

    On the religious faith of the Qiang people and their priest " shibi "

  4. 羌族释比与丧葬

    The Qiang Shibi and Funeral

  5. 释比说唱的内容就是一部部羌民族历史发展的史诗。

    The contents in the Shibis ' talking and singing are epics of the historical development of the Qiang people .

  6. 在祭祀仪式中,释比的各种舞蹈、唱经都可视为对巫灵意识的表达。

    In the sacrificial ceremony , various dances and chorus of Shibi can be considered to represent the consciousness of ghost .

  7. 本文在介绍释比经典的八种类型的基础上,探讨了经典在历史、哲学、文学、科技等方面的研究价值。

    After introducing the eight basic categories found within the texts of the'Shi Bi ' , this article explores the research value of their historical , philosophical , literary and technological aspects .

  8. 如果是三年一次的祭山会,众释比还要为古羌部族、古羌部族的迁徙、部落英雄而诵经,时间时间长达1&2天。

    If meeting the Big Ceremony , once every three years , the Shibis will have to chant for ancient Qiang tribes , Qiang movement , Qiang heroes , which lasts for1 or2 days .

  9. 文章以羌族文化的代表人物释比为切入点论述了羌族文化在现代化过程中的处境,提出了对策和建议。

    This paper , starting with the representative personage " Shibi " in the Qiang national culture , discourses upon the place of the Qiang national culture in the process of modernization and puts forward some countermeasures and proposals .